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  1. Tuna

    Disadvantage going to UWS? or not?

    More than your Bsc and LLB at any unis. It is funny to see a person who got into Bsc using condesending words towards other unis. *sigh* Let's have a scenario everyone! Let's say there's no UWS. Thus, the cut-off will be really high at other unis. Now, think about the fees you have to...
  2. Tuna

    petroleum or mining over civil

    Flexi-degree offers a taste in different engineering fields if you don't know which one to specialise. However you will spend an extra year making up your mind. Your uai does not guarantee a 100% specialisation in the field you want. You have to do ok in the first year. If you didn't opt...
  3. Tuna

    automotive design

    UTS you get to manufacture and design your own car. Plus you get to compete that car! Into F1? LOL Those people are the best of their fields, you can't have a degree. Yes I mean a degree to get into F1 without any experience. You are dreaming. Did you know that the Hyrbrid Honda was in...
  4. Tuna

    urgent: streams of engineering at UNSW

    Engineering at unsw has a flexible entry exactly like usyd. However, in order to major in second year you have to do well. It does not guarantee a specialization if you did badly in your first year. Engineering(major) combined with another degree(minor) will have to major in first year...
  5. Tuna

    Pharmacy who's in?

    So who's doing Pharmacy Wagga first year starting from 06? Does anyone have spare accomodation?
  6. Tuna

    Live email beta testers

    It's faster than the normal mail. No problem mate, what are you going on about?
  7. Tuna

    i got offered another course .. WAT TO DO?

    Hang on, are you talking down on UWS?
  8. Tuna

    Night fill and Uni

    Of course there's a lot of hard work by studying Med. How can you look after kids for school holidays, how can you be trained by that, what are the steps?
  9. Tuna

    The F1 Thread

    re: The Official F1 Thread Slower than the FW27 but faster than Ferrari. Duh!
  10. Tuna

    HECS/CSP fees for all

    Didn't I say to pay in installments once they start working?
  11. Tuna

    To All 05's!!!!!!!!!!

    You guys aren't qualified as teachers. You might be in the future. For now, it is recommended to self-study(hence everything is in the notes) Don't be lazy.
  12. Tuna

    HECS/CSP fees for all

    I am aware but you're the one who is feeling pitty for them. Most international students will go back home and work. Some will apply for permanent residency. Why wouldn't we raise higher costs if they want to use other eductional systems which are not theirs?
  13. Tuna

    HECS/CSP fees for all

    The problem with the current system is that once students are graduated with very good degrees they go overseas, thus, the amount of HECS/CSP that the government contributed will go to waste.
  14. Tuna

    What are you gonna become when you grow up?

    Mechatronic is good too
  15. Tuna

    To All 05's!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway don't teachers give notes to you? *hint hint* The marking range is like this: 80%+ are students who study from notes 90%+ are students who have their own ideas including notes.
  16. Tuna

    To All 05's!!!!!!!!!!

    $100 for an essay 14/15?
  17. Tuna

    The F1 Thread

    re: The Official F1 Thread FW28 has been launched it might be slower than last year's FW27 but it sure can beat a Ferrrari.
  18. Tuna

    Stop Friken Matriculating =(

    Union fees will be off for next year, I guess 1 more year
  19. Tuna

    Highest Paying Graduates

    His tax rate won't be 48.5 because most of the payment will be in cash. Moreover, it is unlikely that people can claim tax-return over a plumber's work. It could only be a case if they are in a business such as Hotels, restaurants etc.
  20. Tuna

    HECS/CSP fees for all

    This is suicide. Education is not free. Everyone should be paying full for their university degrees.