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  1. Tuna


    Miners earn a lot of money because they are in shortage. Last year, graduates were in total of 15 at UNSW. Don't you guys have second thoughts about the high pay? If they pay really high, I mean, it does include funeral fees too doesn't it?
  2. Tuna

    Lectures followed by tutorials

    The thing for me is I have Four Maths Lectures on four different days in the morning and I'm free on Thursday. I have tuts in arvo(IS THIS GOOD?) You can't squeeze two tuts on Thursday can you?
  3. Tuna

    Can you re-apply next year?

    You're uai is re-calculated each year if you're not enrolled.
  4. Tuna

    over the credit limit

    Csp = Hecs
  5. Tuna

    equity scholarships

    UNSW offered me one. Yeah. It says that I will receive the money package after I complete my enrollment. HOOOooray!
  6. Tuna

    Help!!!!! FIRE FIRE!!!!!!

    You had another thread. Use that one.
  7. Tuna

    some advice needed! URGENT

    If you have accepted your offer then you will have have a back-up. By making a time table you will have a student ID and eMail(UNSW)
  8. Tuna

    cant get offer in a round till accepted/declined first pref offer in a previous round

    As an international student. You're in a different round i.e prelim(international) = main round(local) I will give you an example for consideration in late round. Offer was in your 1st preference. e.g 1.A O 2.b H etc. late round consideration 1. changed 2...
  9. Tuna

    Rankings of Unis

    Freshmen are poor(majorities are scholars!) If you have a tight family circle then there is a 90 percent of more chances of getting in the top university there(you don't even need to compete!) Get it? So it is easier to get into uni there. No competition among the riches. Of course freshmen...
  10. Tuna

    Umat Tutoring

    Good luck
  11. Tuna

    Curiosity Got The Better Of Me

    The rest are doing that! You're from a freaky school!
  12. Tuna

    Rankings of Unis

    Because I'm not in uni and I'm making most of my time to research!
  13. Tuna

    Rankings of Unis

    As if U.S unis are any good! It is easier to get into uni and do law there than here! I wonder why there are so many U.S unis in the top spots. Biased, biased!
  14. Tuna

    cant get offer in a round till accepted/declined first pref offer in a previous round

    You have just wasted a post (i.e space in KB of this forum, you're doing computing you should know better!) my stating what I did.
  15. Tuna

    enrolling S1+S2

    Seriously yes to s1 & s2. I've done my timetable for both. Just wait until Monday to call them up and ask them about the next step.
  16. Tuna

    Curiosity Got The Better Of Me

    Good question. It depends on the school you go to. If you're from selective the chances are that you will definitely see people from your highschool. Just look at your friends, are they working hard? If they are, the chances that you will see them is pretty high.
  17. Tuna

    usyd offers

    Why not put in no. 9 just incase? You have been offered a course and you have 8 more shots. What is the possibility that it'll come down to your last no.9 unless you have put in the courses which are too far above your uai.
  18. Tuna

    cant get offer in a round till accepted/declined first pref offer in a previous round

    If you got prelim round then you're not in the same pool as the main round. Are you an international student? Moreover, you will be considered for late round no matter what. If someone got the first pref and accepted the offer, however, if they don't change the pref. i.e moving the accepted...
  19. Tuna

    Umat Tutoring

    Oh please cut this out. You're doing medicine because of your ego. Isn't everyone in there first year? You don't even know anything about medicine to even start teaching how people to get in! I know that you went to a prep course. So as everyone who's reading this. P.S Even if you have...