This is what is coming up for me on the front page:
Exam Results
Are now online. Please click the link above.
Not "Test Results", not "Essay Results" but "Exam Results".
Unfortunately I can't find any link. I'm sure it's an error but aren't you guys a little bit curious?
She said the same thing last year and there ended up being a 15 mark question on it.
Three tips:
1. Learn Bank Reconciliation
2. Know all the tutorials (this is a massive step towards getting a higher grade)
3. Know all the ratios and their functions (really easy to do and is...
Disgraceful. Putting the following two items together is enough to make your blood boil:
Incorporation Costs: $135,432 (2005); $41,992 (2004)
Clubs & Societies: $150 (2005); $8,300 (2004)
I love Mac but this is embarassing. It's also a great way of telling people who are thinking of coming...
Not many people do it because there is an insane amount of work involved. Anyone who completes it with their exemptions intact deserves a medal.
(I don't do Law BTW I just know many people who've dropped it)
There are three reasons why you should consider UNSW:
- If you get Co-op go to UNSW (industry links are great, but only to the few who can get them!!)
- If you aren't that certain of doing actuarial studies go to UNSW (if you drop out, the courses their are better)
- If you live really far...
If this is true then I'll be disgusted.
Exactly! They group you into Cr/D/HD/P/F before they give you a mark. As I understand it, there is no such thing as an "almost Credit" which this system is trying to achieve.
I'm in 2nd sem, 2nd year and I've got two questions for all the actuaries at Mac (or at UNSW):
(i) What is the hardest core subject in the present ACST course now that 243 doesn't exist?
(ii) Is 3rd year really easier than 2nd year?
ACST200: Credit
ACCG253: Distinction
STAT272: Distinction
Elective: Distinction
Disappointed in ACST200 but otherwise I'm satisfied. The 200 exam contained a 17 mark question involving many long, stupid calculations which I ultimately screwed up. Meh.
It's not a rumour.
I did very little work and still got a D, so in my opinion this subject is easy. However, the reason I found it easy was because the calculation questions (about 40% of the course) seemed very routine compared to those in ACST200. If you were good at 101 you should be fine...
I think I found a very large error in your solution:
Consider the equation:
x^3 + y^3 = z^3
and let a particular solution be:
x = squareroot(2)
y = squareroot(2)
z = 2^(5/6)
... the ratio of x to y is '1' and is obviously not irrational. I think your solution is invalid as x...,20281,19733940-5001032,00.html
Piers Ackerman wrote this for today's paper. Boy, he looks like a fukn idiot now (as usual though)
I went through this last year, so speaking from my own experience:
ACST101 - You do not need the textbook
ACCG105 - You are forced to buy three absolutely useless textbooks:
i. The big fat one: of which this subject covers less than a quarter of. Since you are an actuary, this is a...
Is it possible to get a Distinction or High Distinction if I only do Paper 1?. I've looked at the past papers and paper 1 seems pretty routine, while paper 2 looks impossible. Is there any real incentive to do paper 2?
I'm sorry I hate to be a pest, but what link is the cover sheet under on e-reserve. I have downloaded every single ACCG105 document and I still can't find it.
Help please!!!
Hi this is probably another stupid question, but where is the cover sheet? On e-reserve (searching for ACCG105), no such thing is listed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.