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  1. H

    ECON201 WebCT !!!

    This is what is coming up for me on the front page: --- Exam Results Are now online. Please click the link above. --- Not "Test Results", not "Essay Results" but "Exam Results". Unfortunately I can't find any link. I'm sure it's an error but aren't you guys a little bit curious?
  2. H

    Accg 105 Final Exam

    Hahahaha She said the same thing last year and there ended up being a 15 mark question on it. Three tips: 1. Learn Bank Reconciliation 2. Know all the tutorials (this is a massive step towards getting a higher grade) 3. Know all the ratios and their functions (really easy to do and is...
  3. H

    This is where our union $$$ goes....

    Disgraceful. Putting the following two items together is enough to make your blood boil: Incorporation Costs: $135,432 (2005); $41,992 (2004) Clubs & Societies: $150 (2005); $8,300 (2004) I love Mac but this is embarassing. It's also a great way of telling people who are thinking of coming...
  4. H

    Actuarial and Law

    Not many people do it because there is an insane amount of work involved. Anyone who completes it with their exemptions intact deserves a medal. (I don't do Law BTW I just know many people who've dropped it)
  5. H

    Actuarial Studies: MQ vs UNSW

    There are three reasons why you should consider UNSW: - If you get Co-op go to UNSW (industry links are great, but only to the few who can get them!!) - If you aren't that certain of doing actuarial studies go to UNSW (if you drop out, the courses their are better) - If you live really far...
  6. H

    New gpa style

    If this is true then I'll be disgusted. Exactly! They group you into Cr/D/HD/P/F before they give you a mark. As I understand it, there is no such thing as an "almost Credit" which this system is trying to achieve.
  7. H

    Changes to "CT8 Financial Economics"

    I'm in 2nd sem, 2nd year and I've got two questions for all the actuaries at Mac (or at UNSW): (i) What is the hardest core subject in the present ACST course now that 243 doesn't exist? (ii) Is 3rd year really easier than 2nd year?
  8. H

    The Official MQ Results Thread [Sem 1, 2006]

    ACST200: Credit ACCG253: Distinction STAT272: Distinction Elective: Distinction Disappointed in ACST200 but otherwise I'm satisfied. The 200 exam contained a 17 mark question involving many long, stupid calculations which I ultimately screwed up. Meh.
  9. H

    Accg200 v 253

    It's not a rumour. I did very little work and still got a D, so in my opinion this subject is easy. However, the reason I found it easy was because the calculation questions (about 40% of the course) seemed very routine compared to those in ACST200. If you were good at 101 you should be fine...
  10. H

    Elegant Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem?

    I think I found a very large error in your solution: Consider the equation: x^3 + y^3 = z^3 and let a particular solution be: x = squareroot(2) y = squareroot(2) z = 2^(5/6) ... the ratio of x to y is '1' and is obviously not irrational. I think your solution is invalid as x...
  11. H

    Howard and Costello - The 'Deal',20281,19733940-5001032,00.html ^ Piers Ackerman wrote this for today's paper. Boy, he looks like a fukn idiot now (as usual though)
  12. H

    Do i need textbooks???

    I went through this last year, so speaking from my own experience: ACST101 - You do not need the textbook ACCG105 - You are forced to buy three absolutely useless textbooks: i. The big fat one: of which this subject covers less than a quarter of. Since you are an actuary, this is a...
  13. H


    McHarg is awesome. hahahahaha
  14. H

    ACCG253 Final Exam

    Hey guys I'd just like to know: does the final exam consist of only multiple choice questions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. H

    UNSW or Macq

    10 mins from your house? Go to Mac.
  16. H

    ACST211 Question

    Hi, Is it possible to get a Distinction or High Distinction if I only do Paper 1?. I've looked at the past papers and paper 1 seems pretty routine, while paper 2 looks impossible. Is there any real incentive to do paper 2?
  17. H

    Assignments for ACCG 105

    ... I'm sorry I hate to be a pest, but what link is the cover sheet under on e-reserve. I have downloaded every single ACCG105 document and I still can't find it. Help please!!!
  18. H

    Assignments for ACCG 105

    ... Hi this is probably another stupid question, but where is the cover sheet? On e-reserve (searching for ACCG105), no such thing is listed. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  19. H

    Assignments for ACCG 105

    ... Thank you so much