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  1. Triple777ER

    the simple gift please!!!

    The resources page
  2. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    if it had grown back in 1999 you would have had sooooooooooo much fun watching Armstrong, ulrich, pantani, basso climb mountains.
  3. Triple777ER

    Nerd Sex...

    Would you enlighten me by translating what you actually mean to say? and to add with the others lyk lyk lyk lyk lyk lyk yeah totally
  4. Triple777ER

    Into The World Related Texts

    Hey, our class is doing 'My father began as a god';a poem as a related text, go search it up on google and analyse it and relate it.
  5. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    The newspaper is used as an insulation material especially while descending from the higher altitudes because the temperature can be as low as 9 degrees celsius.
  6. Triple777ER

    English is a waste of life.

    You will realize the importance of English wehn it comes to the interviews. Most employers want their employees to have studied English at school
  7. Triple777ER

    Area of Study Stimulus Booklet Notes 2

    This is not valid for 2008 right? Our faggot fatass cunt teacher made us do it and thinks its coming for the HSC, so we were made to get familiar with one of these. So, for 2008 we cannot absolutely use any of these right?
  8. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    Evan's got yellow, but he will be under pressure definitely, now that he has only a 1second advantage
  9. Triple777ER

    2008- related texts?

    Sorry, this is a late realisation, but it seems that our fatass faggot teacher thought that the Board of Stimulus Booklet was valid until this year and we were studying one text from it all along since the start of the year. Now, i have to find other related texts. I just wanted to know, if...
  10. Triple777ER


  11. Triple777ER

    Trial Exams Papers??

    Thanks for that. It only has one trial paper though which is not enough. But anyway, i guess its upto me to find my own resources
  12. Triple777ER

    ideas to implementation essay - transistors on society

    Did you have a look at HSC online? And also make sure you have the DOT POINT HSC PHYSICS book, it gives you guidelines on how to write them and what to mention. If you don't have it, i would gladly list it down for you.
  13. Triple777ER

    The Meissner Effect

    Below the critical temperature, when a magnet is bought near the superconductor, due to the movement of the magent, an eddy current is induced in the superconductor which gives rise to a magnetic field to try and oppose the original magnetic field, ie, to oppose the movement of the magnet...
  14. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    yes but you used 'gay' which i think most cyclists would actually take a bit of offense but anyway, other than that, peace. PS. what does 'whoa whah wha wah' actually mean and why is it 'pwned'?
  15. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    Ok, so why did you post that in here? We really did not want any negative comments in this thread, you could have atleast said that you dont like it.
  16. Triple777ER

    Anyone chosing Aviation?

    My uncle is a Cargolux 747-400F pilot and my dad is an ex-Polar air cargo pilot and he recommends me, before to take up aviation to get a degree in another field. Aviation is very sensitive field not only in terms of the medical certificate, but if you did loose your job, you would be really...
  17. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    Being the fact that you are a female, I suppose you aren't really into tour de france and would actually take some time to post some nonsense.
  18. Triple777ER

    Tour De France 2008

    Starting on 5 July, looking very much to this year's tour, but unfortunately, for us 08'ers, its not going to be good, got to study for the trials. Anyway, Team Astana may ride this year, and Rasmussen is still without a team, highly unlikely he would be riding, really wanted him back in the...
  19. Triple777ER

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Desperate chicks, ie. the ones who are extremely ugly and no way they could get a guy for another 10000years and yet they dress and act like a hot women. Particularly from my school
  20. Triple777ER

    What do you think?

    its worth a try, you got nothing to loose anyway and because you finish your HSC this year, just go for it