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  1. Triple777ER

    Anyone chosing Aviation?

    Yeh, i was strongly towards aviation and still am, but will be restricted for further period of time. Because the aviation industry is quite unstable, i plan to do a back-up, Bsc IT at UTS. I got this advice and i think it is very considerate to have a back-up if you are towards the aviation...
  2. Triple777ER

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Commercial Pilot, but because the aviation industry is so unstable and unpredictable, will be doin Bsc IT at UTS and after that will train to become a pilot.
  3. Triple777ER


    If you are in Sydney and you are flying there, you will be flying on a Qants 767-300ER, have fun
  4. Triple777ER

    How can i ask him out?

    As someone in this forum pointed out, IT AINT EASY BEING AN AZN
  5. Triple777ER


    Deccan chargers are so shit, they suck balls. They should remove Laxman as the captian and appoint Giclhrist as the captian next season and afridi should be kicked of the squad for scoring 0's and 1's.
  6. Triple777ER


    F1 is the way to go man!
  7. Triple777ER

    Tutor: UAI 99.95 - English, Maths, Chemistry and Economics

    HEy Dhruv, is Epping a convienient location?
  8. Triple777ER

    English Tutor Uai 99.65

    That is possible but its a big waste of time along the way, cause i dont wanna waste anymore time travelling.
  9. Triple777ER


    Thing about Indians is, WE HATE EACH OTHER
  10. Triple777ER

    English Tutor Uai 99.65

    are you available for Epping? I am doing standard english, will that be a problem?
  11. Triple777ER

    Singapore Airlines A380

    Travelling in the A380 will be an amazing experience. You won't really hear much of the noise because they have ut down the noise problems. If you really want to feel the power of those engines or have a fascination at take-offs and landings, make sure you get a place on the wing or just behind...
  12. Triple777ER

    car driver causes cyclist crash

    I am a cyclist myself and i have to say, whether or not, you are riding in peak hour, whether commuting to work or just training, the riders had been near the kerb and it isnt their fault. It was the stupid fuc*ing driver, had no sympathy towards them. Later he tells him it was an "accident"...
  13. Triple777ER


    You must be very proud of yourself
  14. Triple777ER

    Booked my Tickets!!!

    So what airline you flying?
  15. Triple777ER


    Amazing innings from Gilchrist, leading to a 10wicket thrashing of Mumbai Indians.
  16. Triple777ER

    "Radcliffe a muggle when it come to love" COULD THIS BE YOU?

    Maybe this would help him
  17. Triple777ER

    Big Brother 2008

    Why do they still run such a show on TV? So many people disaprove of it, but there are still lowlifes who are obsessed with it.
  18. Triple777ER


    Now people will really start hating him, as if the issue in Australia wasn't enough. Dickfu*k is a disgrace to all other punjabi people who have to put up with pieces of shit like him. He should be banned from the sport.
  19. Triple777ER

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    I want to either be a Pilot or a professional cyclist. More likely to be a pilot. Plans after high school; Study IT and then train to become a pilot.
  20. Triple777ER

    Big Brother 2008

    All the lowlifes around the country will be tuning into a pathetic high-fi room for watching people socialize.