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  1. T

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    There was a similar question on Q8 before, i guess lots of ppl fail it so they asked us again this time.
  2. T

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Qeustion 8 is talking about Arrhenius theory of acids and bases =.= therefore its D
  3. T

    Anyone else put on a few kgs 'because' of the HSC?

    I think i lost hahahha
  4. T

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Question 14 is the only one im unsure of... I put pH 7.0 but that's pretty wrong.
  5. T

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    YES! If that's true, im getting 14/15.. I am over the moon! lol
  6. T

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    What is the confirmed answer for QUESTION 10? A OR B?
  7. T

    Simpl question about water, those damn water equations

    well i think its just acidic corrosion, it happens when sulfate reducing bacteria produce H+ ions. Well, ask Zippora...
  8. T

    Australian Politics

    Re: Swanny! yea, hes good cuz he presents graphs lol
  9. T

    How many people around here have chem as their last exam?

    Chem should be my 2nd exam
  10. T

    i still hav 3 exams

    i got French, Chem, Geo, Earth and env science, Jap ext, and society and culture. How many is this?
  11. T

    Simpl question about water, those damn water equations

    I am enlightened by u, but how come ive never read this in text books? Which part is this? do u know?
  12. T

    Simpl question about water, those damn water equations

    I see, if its acidic corrosion, you use the third one...
  13. T

    Simpl question about water, those damn water equations

    How do I know when do I use which?? H2O + e- --> 1/2H2(g) + OH- 1/2O2(g) + H2O + 2e- --> 2OH- 1/2O2(g) + 2H+ 2e- --> H2O They are these 3 i am confused about. I think the first one is cathode? thrid is anode? And what about the 2nd one? tyty
  14. T

    Attention Economics students of 2008

    Yes economics is fun and enjoyable if you like it and it is dead easy for that amazing scaling. Assessments vary between schools, usually we have speeches, research projects for the globalisation topic . BTW, 2008 HSC Economics has officially finished!
  15. T

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! UNSW - asians
  16. T


    WOw, ur dad's a marker. Amazing, so you can just give him ur student no. and he will.....;) I heard that HSC markers get paid 15$$ an hour and they usually spend it all after marking in the pub=P lol, according to my maths teacher. THis is why he's not marking any more lol .
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    What did u do to her?
  18. T

    6/7 marker questions

    Wooooot! How often? 1 in 100000?