Doing 1 subject for a frigging 7 day period is driving me insane. I had to complete 2001 - 2007 past papers using the 7 days, I can't even stand it anymore now. Its dead boring. I wish it could be heaps more interesting than knowing those 10 million equations.
The American economy is all about spend and consume. They may have lots of pleasure [and economic growth] right now, but one day it is going to implode when they cannot service their foreign debts.
After this, it must sell off whatever assets they have to foreigners, like the new superpowers -...
America's social security is in a total mess. It is based on people in the generation after you pays for your social security. It keeps on going until when the population stops growing. Since the baby boomers are all about to retire, the population after them are going to be significantly less...
So what is Murdoch saying? Survival of the fittest? He is telling the govt to scrap all the welfare support in a competitive world, i.e. telling the ones who can't survive just die.
That's great advice for those who want to live a competitive world, but too bad for those who just want to suck...
If I can choose between these two with my UAI, would I choose economics over Commerce since I would like to major economics anyways?
Are there significant difference between the quality of students between Commerce and Economics due to the UAI difference? But it is only a slight difference...
You can't really do a preprepared essay for humanities, unlike some English essays. However, you can do lots of practice essay questions and they will most likely to be one of the question in the exam.
There can be a lot of varieties in humanity subjects. I did economics, most of the essay...
I reckon the style of questions are going to be radically different to previous years. Just look at biology exam, it was realy different. a lot of the exams this yr are pretty different,
I reckon it would be silly to not do Economics in the HSC when you decide to do Economics in uni. You then have to do something unrelated to uni in the HSC e.g. doing chemistry instead of econ. Chemistry will most likely end up being totally useless in contribution to your understanding of ur...