Search results

  1. NovaAesa

    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders

    Yes of course, how naive of me:confused: I'm just saying in comparison to other indigenous societies that have been treated badly, aborigines are on the treated-less-severely side of the scale. E.g. the indigenous Africans who got sold as slaves. At least when children were taken away from...
  2. NovaAesa

    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders

    In some ways the aboriginals should be thanking us for invading their country. If it wasn't Europeans, it would have been some other country that was technologically more advanced than the aboriginals of 1770 (which there was a lot of). If it was the Chinese or Koreans who took over Australia...
  3. NovaAesa

    Official UAI Results

    94.95 :D w00t much higher than I expected! Very hapy with that :)
  4. NovaAesa

    What UAI will I get???

    Posted in the wrong section. But go here and put the numbers in:
  5. NovaAesa

    HSC Clerical Recheck

    Maybe go for it if you think they stuffed something up ie you're results indicate that you did much worse than you actually thought you went. But otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.
  6. NovaAesa

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    I'm too sleepy to stay up and wait :S I think it will be sleep for me.
  7. NovaAesa

    Official assessment rankings.

    2u Maths - 1/9 3u Maths - 1/2 Chemistry 1/13 Physics - 1/6 Software Design - 1/9 Adv English - 4/24 The ranks may sound good in theory, but everyone at my school are dumb shits so the ranks aren't as good as they sound. :(
  8. NovaAesa

    10% internal assessment

    Yes its worth 10% of you internal assessment which is eqv to 5% of your total assessment. It's probably not best to think of it like that though, or you might become lazy. :)
  9. NovaAesa


    Sure, ya alco :rofl:
  10. NovaAesa

    Plzz help me!!!! :(

    Ummm, to start with what is the specific question you are being asked to answer?
  11. NovaAesa

    How important is signing out?

    I'm not going to bother. Nothing bad happens if you don't. They can't make you. Maybe this is just pent up rebelness from being a rule-abiding student for the last 12 years :eek:
  12. NovaAesa

    Ode to thread (weight for it, weight for it)

    I'm not sure about exact prices, but smaller (physical dimensions and weight) laptops are often a fair bit more expensive than their regular sized (15") counterparts.
  13. NovaAesa

    What do you think you got raw

    or me (even though I really have no chance)
  14. NovaAesa

    Multiple choice answers

    Well I went with C. QA means it shouldn't be the user documentation right? And tutorials are ALSO user documentation (sort of), so from my logic with multiple choice if two answers are the same (I think A and B are more or less the same) then it can't be either of them. And Regulatory...
  15. NovaAesa

    Question 22 (e) Was Faulty

    Whatever, I just realised he had posed what I was about to post, so I just quoted instead. :)
  16. NovaAesa

    Booklets + DFD

    My bad, thought it was out of 15 for some reason. I got 19 and you got 18. Yer that's very true, well said. Anyone who gets over 95 probably has the same chances as everyone else, but it just depends on how they were going on the day and what the particular questions that came up were.
  17. NovaAesa

    What was your favourite question?

    Q21dii) I had sooo much to say for that question. I learned all about that in my major project.
  18. NovaAesa

    Booklets + DFD

    Hey, good to hear. Maybe you have competition for getting first in state. 1 MC is the only thing I think I might have gotten wrong. (Not trying to be up myself, just saying is all). Meh, probably won't happen though. There's probably some smart arse out there who got 100%, and I probably lost...
  19. NovaAesa

    Booklets + DFD

    Eh? I used 7 booklets, 2 for Q21, 1 for Q22, 2 for Q23 and 2 for Q25. So I don't see how I'm better than you. Anyway, its about quality not quantity. And the main reason I needed extra booklets was because when I write fast, my handwriting gets all retarded and big :( I did get 14 for MC...
  20. NovaAesa

    What do you think you got raw

    Above 90% but probably less than 96%. Somewhere in there.