I'm pretty sure you can earn a fair bit before you start losing your youth allowance. I think it's like 130$ a week or something. As if you'd want to work more than that and study at the same time.
What's wrong with dealing and prostitution anyway? :P
I was thinking of doing sceicne(physics) or science(photonics) as well because they seem pretty insteresting and I enjoyed physics in high school. I guess the thing is, I only really need one degree to get a job :)
But how much extra work would it be to do a double degree? Obviously it would be...
Okay, I've decided that I definately want to go to the University of Newcastle (lots of reasons for this, but irelevent to this thread). I've also decided that I want to do Engineering(Software).
The thing is though, my UAI was way higher than the cutoff for Engineering(Software), so I was...
My principal rang around to all the people in my year asking what UAI they got. And then sent the top 3 into the local newspaper (with our permission of course). I got the second highest UAI in my school so I got my name, picture and score in the newspaper!
The chinese and korans didn't do anything to their indigenous people. As far as I am aware, indigenous Koreans and Chinese people are still alive and well in their respective countries of origin.
My point was that some cultures are more brutal in the way the treat (or in this case, used to...