I got a shock when I first saw the brecht question and freaked abit but then had a think and realised it wasn't difficult.
Filled up both books within 70 minutes. I'm quite happy with how I went.
I made my entire section IV up and from what a few people have said I think i might have gotten some marks for it.
did Greek to 440BC a) stupid question.
Our teacher taught us to learn up to the perisan wars or from then onwards because there would be one question on each. Except part a)...
I studied so so so hard and fucked up. i'm so dissapointed.
to top off a wonderfully shit day my friends dad died the night before in a car crash with another guy from our school who died as well.
this is fucking rediculous.
It's so strange because like you zxcvbee people are constantly telling me that I'll do fine and I'm smart because I do okay and I have fairly good rankings. However my school is ranked 474, it's so rediculous. I get good internal rankings cos everyones either average or dumb as shit.
right now...
I got 12 which was my best for modules, pretty tragic I know.
I still don't understand this module at all and have so many related texts with hardly any detail which pisses me off.