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    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: The 'I CBF TO STUDY/DO WORK AFTER TRIALS' thread I can't be bothered anymore either, it may be a combination of being sick and exhausted from my Drama HSC yesterday but if I never had to do anymore work ever it would be soooooooo nice!
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    CSSA Ancient History Trial

    I got 68% good considering I screwed it majorly. Did well in sparta 23/25 Average in pompeii, crapper in Greece and bombed JC
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    2008 Poster And Promotion

    Oh my god! It's due tomorrow I had a big stress/breakdown/cry in the shops today because the place I was getting it printed was like...umm we don't do double sided! but then I went to office works *phew* just doing my rationaleeee now, does it go in the back or the front of the book?
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    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trial results So far Biology 70.5% for prac (2nd) and 86% for prac (2nd) SOR 1unit 70% probably about 5th? Math 73% (1st =D )
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    How much studying is too much ?

    More than 4 hours on one day sends me insane Fk that I have a life =)
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    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Most of my subjects would be considered as soft as a penis after seeing Amanda Van Stone, General Math, Biology, Drama, Studies of Religion they're all in the soft subjects category. However, unlike you my interests and talents lie in other places. I would have also loved to do Art, aww shit...
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    Thoughts on the CSSA 2008 Paper (SOR 1 unit)?

    highest in my year was 40
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    schoolies 08

    We've got a house and 2 appts at Avoca Palms =)
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    The role of the bible

    Some douchebag christian once tried to tell me that jesus wasn't religious.... :rofl:
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    2008 Poster And Promotion

    OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! For the Feature Story I have nothing NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING doing Myth, Prop.... ~Woe~
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    Drama Ip Question - Crisis!

    CHILL OUT!! if it looks obvious that someone scratched it not that it's part of the design you'll be fine.
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    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts lol 70.5% =( came second though
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    Thoughts on the CSSA 2008 Paper (SOR 1 unit)?

    70% =) awesssssome
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    Today's CSSA Paper

    I got mine back today, 73% came first Lowest mark was 15%
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    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts :vcross: :vcross: :vcross:
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    CSSA Ancient History Trial

    I mostly screwed up Julius Caesar, i didn't know any of his policies or reforms.
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    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts Jeez, i've never even heard of that term before
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    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts yes of course they have a common ancestor but it's still convergent because they evolved independently acording to simliar environments
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    2008 CSSA Bio Exam Thoughts/Results

    Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts What a sexy exam, knocked it out in an hour and a half. However our school is slow and hasn't done the option yet (which we actually don't have an option on, miss christianity just chose the one she already had lesson plans for) so we got given a bunch of random core...