Once upon a time Annalise (being myself) had a biology teacher who did not believe in Evolution but was forced to teach it to her class. After suffering through several lessons consisting of
"Now this is the theory, it is full of holes and not as widely followed as Christianity BUT...."
Re: 回覆: Re: How many hrs per night?
Unless I have an assignment or something, I'll probably do... close to none. Probably an hour or less.
But I use my study periods quite well, so there's another hour or 2 a day.
Adv English - 5
Drama - 3
Biology - 10
General Math - 7-8
Ancient History - 8-9
SOR - :mad: -10
It seems to be lots of very similar consumer arithmatic type stuff but it's all actually really different. So you get confused
Okat so it's what 3 weeks before school goes back and I'm going to be on holidays for 10 days of that.
So far I've read half of Emma, 1/2 finished biology notes, done ancient and pretty much just looked at that maths assignment.
going strong!
I don't know all mine yet because all our assesments were crammed into the last week... not that well as far as I can recall.
English, 10/15
Biology 91%
....yeah that's all we got back actually
Had SOR, Ancient, Maths and Drama ones that they didn't get back before the holidays
I quite enjoyed some of the ones that I picked for Imaginative Journeys, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mine and Life is Beautiful. I found the Tempest interesting and relatively easy for IJs
But....bloody Emma, goddamn I hate that book so much I want to burn it.
I keep thinking, it'll get...
I'm thinking I want to get all the work I have to do out of the way BEFORE christmas.... so that's a Maths assignment, Reading 'Emma', drama texts, bio shit and some ancient history stuff.
I refuse to work on SOR during the holidays, it's against MY religion.
I wanna get everything done earlyish...
Worst day this term
Broke up with le boyfriend
got in trouble and extremely upset
went to sick bay
got told I could leave school by receptionist
went home
got called by various parents and teachers thinking I had run away and killed myself
My friend got interrogated by the Head of senior school...
I have a feeling our Adv English classes are going to see it but I'm not entirely sure.
My english teacher is anal retentive so if we were she would have booked the tickets months ago.
At my school they make us do either Christian Studies which isn't assesable and doesn't count for any units or 1 unit SOR.
How would they seperate the people who do 1unit as aposed to 2unit SOR?
Double english with THE BITCH
Drama is just to awkward with friendships stupid things
Ancient History, I was on a V high and I don't recal what happened..
SOR Drawing on Alex's diary
Maths sub teacher = no learning.
Fitness hockey training, trained with...
Ancient History probably.
And English, actually I wouldn't say falling behind I'm keeping up with the work but I'm not doing that well.
Pretty shit actually