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    CSSA Ancient History Trial

    Thoughts? EPIC FAIL
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    Today's CSSA Paper

    Yeah same, well actually I don't know. because I recognise the lack of algebra and the r in relation to V and pi (Which I got right, I can never rearange formulas!!! :D ) but not the pie graph or exponential....ohh shit hang on was that the last question where I was dying to get out of there are...
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    Thoughts on the CSSA 2008 Paper (SOR 1 unit)?

    Ohh That was so lucky if I'd gotten any question other than bioethics I swear to god I would have failed. Didn't know much on the hajj/sexy ethics but enough for the 15 marker V happy with this exam lol
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    Nervous Breakdown

    yeah same, I had a little freak out in term one last year but other than that I've found it's gotten easier. Although I find exams less stressful than assignments. Maybe I just don't give a shit anymore?
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    Drama Trial

    I did the CSSA Trial and the brecht one was pretty good, we have a few slightly slower people in our class and they didn't understand the question at all. I don't even remember the Aus Theatre question :S
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    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    For once in my life section three was the easiest, my creative writing was a magnificent flop and heritage house WHAT THE FUCK loved the mars thing though, was coo' since when do you have to title the creative writing?
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    schoolies 08

    I've booked avoca for my group, there's going to be about 29 of us all up.
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    if religion DID NOT exist?

    I'm not a fan of religion at all and I think that removing religion would dissolve so many problems new ones would arise in relation to race and sex among other things
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    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    I did Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as a text for imaginative journeys, but I guess it could also work for telling the truth.
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    Holiday Study Plans

    Plan on studying at least an 2 hours every weekday and maybe study on weekends if bored. I want all notes up to date ready for memorising for trials. Not spend so much money and plan my 18th Today spent about 3 hours which Is very good for me
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    18th Parties

    My 18th is the day after the last day of Trials so I'm going to wait till september to have my party. I'm going to go out with those who are 18 on my birthday then have a big house party so that I can be with all my friends who aren't 18. Bam easy done =)
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    What does the HSC mean to you?

    * What does the HSC mean to you? Higher school certificate... * How much do you want to succeed? moderately * What does it mean to you if you fail? I wont fail * What are the repercussions of failing/going bad? Private college = $$$ * Will your life be over if you stuff...
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    english hate

    You know what, I reckon if I was better at english I'd enjoy it. but it's bullshit mixed with quotes which I bet isn't most people here's idea of a good time. it's a pain in the arse with no relevance to life, I think english should be learning HOW to write in different styles and the...
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    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Where is your UAI going to take you? In reality, nowhere? If I can get 90 I'll do forensic science but that's not really going to happen. If I get above 78 I'll try for UNSW but I don't even want to go there. If I get into CIT would be the more appropriate option for me, 1. I'll get to...
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    Studying at night?

    I usually study after about 7, I cannot go straight from school into study mode. During school I find it really easy to do work, but when I get home it all kinda goes to shit. Sleep depends, from 4-9 hours study, on average less than an hour a night, when I have a test or an assignment, all...
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    Australia's Next Top Model Series 4

    I think, Alex, Caris, Alyse, and Belinda are the best model wise but alex is just a massive snob.