Search results

  1. S

    Introductory Spanish :)

    Hey, I tried to take this subject but I got chucked out because I was "too good". I had learnt a tiny bit of spanish, travelled for a month in bolivia, and they make me leave, while people who went on a gap year to ecuador and similar get to stay. Bitter, me?! Anyway, in my first two weeks...
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    Textbook whinge

    So I just checked on the Coop website to give me an idea of how much money I'll need to spend on textbooks this year. It totals $701.60 plus a $6 reader from the copy centre. Theres no way I can afford it, I have been to the SRC bookshop, and checked out the ads around uni plus some websites...
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    Secondhand textbooks?

    Which faculties have textbook 'stores'? The src one in wentworth is definitely open but really is not that great. I checked it out a few days ago and the prices are not much lower than the coop. last year I couldnt afford textbooks, managed to borrow some from friends, but i don't really...
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    Choosing Tutorials/Lectures

    Theyre open now, finally
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    The big o

    You know, the concert that is at manning on Friday of O week. Have you guys heard anything about it? I have heard fairly mixed reviews, don't know whether it's worth going... tickets are pretty expensive.
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    Access 2009 free gift bag?

    Yeah that's a really good idea because the queues are really long during Oweek. They will have express stalls for people who have paid online, then you just need to have your photo taken and your card printed out. Also, this year the union has a whole lot of new partners. If you like clubbing...
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    David jones group interview

    What kind of group tasks do they do?
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    David jones group interview

    takes 2 hours! What do they do with you?!
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    marketing timetable semester 2

    eastern ave auditorium if you mean mktg10012? ooh wow that was a speeedy reply :)
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    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (Updated PDF on first post) How did you end up going then
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    Is INFS1000 easy?

    I did INFS this semester and hated it. Olivera is so sweetly enthusiastic (read obsessive). I also see myself as fairly computer literate, but I didnt have the textbook and couldnt go to the tutes. So the lectures were a bit hard to follow - make sure if possible that your lecture isn't in...
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    Anyone still need the ACCT1001+1002 text?

    yeah... what edition is it and how much are you wanting for it? and do you have the study guide part as well?
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    Rules for Customers

    Short of that what can you do? I just pack their stuff crappily and scream in my head I AM NOT YOUR SLAVE Oh god yes, how stupid do they think we are?!?! One of the things that irritates me is the old Chinese women who come in brandishing $100 notes and dispute 5c of the price of their...
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    French and German?

    I realise it´s a bit late, but wanted to affirm anyway that it is possible to do well in two languages (in my case at extension level), with neither of them the language I spoke at home and I didn´t go on exchange to Germany. Languages scale pretty well if you do well in them (ie my UAI rode...
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    Residential Colleges...

    Says you who can´t even spell Labor...
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    Residential Colleges...

    Really? Mine were totally different - Wes came at me with whole lot of questions from a sheet of paper, asking about drinking, how I would describe myself and a whole lot of other things, a totally relaxed and friendly interview, while at drews we went through my application, and I was asked...
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    difference between economics and commerce

    As I said, I have no idea. Thanks for the opinions though. What is "wrong" with economics?
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    difference between economics and commerce

    and commerce is not?
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    difference between economics and commerce

    My UAi was just too low to be able to do B Commerce this year. The 2007 UAI for B Economics is lower though. I'm presuming that cut-offs won't change drastically this year, but I have been trying to do a bit of research, looking at various websites and course descriptors. What is the...
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    Residential Colleges...

    Has anyone applied/got answers about their applications yet this year? I've been offered in interview with Wesley but I'm in Greenland so that could be interesting.