i know we're only into the 2nd year of this decade, but seriously the music is SO bad and i don't understand why. the people i used to rely on to tell me good songs to download are either out of my life or have converted to that electronic lady gaga shit currently on the radio, where every song...
Ive been working in retail for nearly 3 years now and i absolutely fucking hate it. Im ready to quit my job, and I really want a new job in admin or office work or something, but because of uni and because of how far i have to travel for uni, I want a weekend job. At the moment i do 9-5 on one...
Does USYD give pass conceeded for eco&business subjects?
Also what is overloading, is this doing more than 24cp in a semester? Has anyone ever Done this before and is it quite difficult?
If you fail a subject compulsory for your degree (which you obviously have to repeat), can u redo this...
I want to start going to the gym regularly so I can lose some w8. Not sure if I'll be able to afford it but we'll see how I go. I want to lose maybe 5kg at first, and then another 5kg over the next month or so.
How often should I go to the gym to do this, and for how long per session, and...
okay so im having trouble with the spirit jailbreak
ive downloaded it and everything, and im up to the part where i add the source "cydia.hakulo.us" (this is what my cousin told me to do) but it doesnt work, i keep getting some error code
how do i use this cydia program to download apps?
I checked on their website, and they offer all day parking to students for $10, but only on levels 3A and 4.
Has anyone ever parked there before? Does it get pretty packed quite quickly (around what time)? Where can I park if i drive to uni? I'm thinking of parking there around 8.30-9am on...
i cant afford to buy all the textbooks since ive got to pay $800 for rego/green slip soon, and my shit parents wont help me out.
is it possible to do this?
were we supposed to collect our timetables from somewhere today? because i went to the student admin room, and there were a couple of computers next to a sign saying "timetables", and a small queue, so i queued up because i thought thats where we printed our timetables, but i wasn't sure. the...
Okay so i'm starting my first year of B Com/B Sc next week, but im not actually taking any science units this year. im only taking economics (compulsory for commerce), a WORK unit, psyc units, and compulsory math units -_- . however i intend to take some BIOL and CHEM units next year, when i...