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  1. meilz92


    where can we find out the textbook requirements for each of our courses? and when do we have to have textbooks by (roughly)?
  2. meilz92

    which is worse???

    having classes non-stop from 10 til 3 on tuesday, and having wednesday day off OR having a 1 hour lunch break between those classes on tuesday, and having to go to uni on wednesday for ONE class ??
  3. meilz92

    facebook IM! help!

    okay so u know that on facebook IM, you can press that little switch button to appear offline to certain peoples? well i made a group called "annoying people" and put all the people who annoy me on IM in that group, and flicked the switch to appear offline.... yet somehow, one of them just...
  4. meilz92

    Going to murder my laptop.. unless someone can help me.

    My piece of shit laptop is playing up. Its being incredibly slow today, slower than usual. So slow that it took facebook like 1 minute to load and our downloads arent even capped (wtf!??!?!?). And while i type, it keeps freezing up so the letters dont come up even though im still typing, then...
  5. meilz92

    Student ID cards

    Has anybody actually got theirs yet? I thought we were supposed to get them within 10 days of enrollment, but its been 2 weeks now and i still havent received mine!
  6. meilz92

    Faculty Orientation

    Is it compulsory? Because on the 22nd is orientation day for the faculty of business and economics, and tbh it sounds boring and i dont particularly want to go. So... is it compulsory or not?
  7. meilz92

    are these MATH units okay to meet the requirements for B Com/B Sc??

    everyone doing 1st year this year seems to have chosen MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003 and MATH1005 but i chose MATH1011- Life Sciences Calculus, MATH1013- Differential and Difference Equations, MATH1014- Introduction to Linear Algebra and MATH1015- Biostatistics i chose them because the other...
  8. meilz92

    Australia's biggest TV show host tool- you decide.

    cast your vote and feel free to elaborate.
  9. meilz92

    can i do BMED units in a B Sc degree?

    for the science part of my double degree, i am majoring in psychology, and i also want to do BMED units... can i do this? if not, whats a major thats very similar to the units you do in a B Med Sc degree? I want my second major to be something medical-ish
  10. meilz92


    couldnt find a thread that answers my questions so yeah... whats the difference between a warning and an infraction? with infractions, what does it mean when you get points? like what purpose do they play?
  11. meilz92

    will i make the cut off for B Commerce?

    The cut-off for commerce/science at USYD in 2009 was 94.55, and for my HSC i got 95.10 just wondering if im likely to make the cut off for commerce? will it go much higher? if the cut-off is higher than my ATAR this year, does the fact that i got a Band 6 in maths, Band E3 in MX1, Band 6 in...
  12. meilz92

    andrew o'keefe!!

    cast your vote :D based on what you have seen
  13. meilz92

    error: vBulletin message when browsing site

    quite often when im browsing the site, if i click a link or try to make a post, sometimes i get this error msg meilz92, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: 1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this...
  14. meilz92


    well ive decided i want to make a scrapbook of 2009 to pass the time but theres a few problems... 1. i have no idea HOW 2. i have no artistic talent whatsoever so i was wondering, what materials are neeeded to make a scrapbook? So far ive bought the book itself, some coloured scrapbook paper...
  15. meilz92

    USYD Info Day- whose going?

    I am I didnt go to the open day back in september though, so does anyone know if itll be pretty much a repeat of that? Or not as extravagant? In september i heard something about a free BBQ? lol... Also, at the Macquarie open day in september (which i did go to) they had all these kind of...
  16. meilz92

    ITT: facebook groups/pages

    post funny facebook groups/pages that your a part of or ones that you think everyone should be a part of. "When I was your age, I was catching Pokemon, not STIs" When I was your age I was catching Pokémon not STIs | Facebook "It's not a purse, its a satchel. Indiana Jones has one." It's not a...
  17. meilz92

    Places you've always dreamt of going to go?

    Sorry for deleting the original thread, it wouldnt let me put a poll in there! :mad: Choose all that apply, and elaborate. For me: Italy and Spain for the eye candy and culture, Paris and Tokyo for the shopping, Greece to revisit where my family is from and also for the nightlife in...
  18. meilz92

    deleting accounts

    i was wondering if it was possible to delete your account? not that i want to, i was just curiouss.... if so, do all your posts get deleted too? is there a way to delete everything youve ever posted without having to delete each one individually? just curious thankss..
  19. meilz92

    combined commerce- help!

    i live wayyy out west near penrith/hawkesbury, and next year i was thinking about doing B Com/B Sc at usyd. only problem is, it takes nearly 1.5 hours to get there by train, and another 1.5 hours to get back from where i live :S so i was wondering 1. what is the workload like for a...
  20. meilz92

    too late to apply for scholarships/EAS???

    is it? i had no idea id be getting an ATAR this high so i didnt bother :(