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  1. LinzyHodge

    Does ne1 else use text books in art?

    I've never used one either.
  2. LinzyHodge

    How do you feel you went in the art making 50%?

    ^^ The external counts for the 50% prac mark, the internal counts only towards assessment rank if your teacher does it that way. The more I think about it the worse I did in my bow so I stopped thinking about it :)
  3. LinzyHodge

    Art Diary

    That's what I am thinking, in my own little negative way :P In my work do you mean? Not at all, I mean it wasn't ground breaking but it was unique in the idea and composition (I thought, anyway.) And the diaries are good, hopefully they can clarify whatever they are confused about. *crosses...
  4. LinzyHodge

    Art Diary

    I got a call from my art teacher today to say my diary has been called for (she couldn't find it and asked me where I had put it.) Anyone know what that means? I'm assuming they think I've cheated, or they don't get it, right? I did photography just out of interest.
  5. LinzyHodge

    Question regarding Case Studies

    You can do any artists you like, my teacher encourages us to search out our own artists rather then those forced upon you, relate to them better, etc, I think a lot of teachers do. Good luck to you too!
  6. LinzyHodge

    Bow Ideas Help!!

    This probably won't be much help but I say take your idea and put it into practice, that's really the only way to know if it's going to work or not. Usually people don't stick with their first idea, I went through about 7 serious ideas before I settled. But just get out there and do it, and go...
  7. LinzyHodge

    Earth and Environmental Science Students 2008???

    Hi! Yeah, I've been trying to understand it and connect it all up but its just so much to remember! I did the Cane Toad and Paterson's Curse for my case study, which turned out to be a good option as they were so easy. How about you? Haha, thanks, we were ranked like 530 or so last year but...
  8. LinzyHodge

    Earth and Environmental Science Students 2008???

    I'll have to take a look at it! I did fashion/conceptual photography on a really small scale (each photo is about 4x4 and there is 18.) Its hard to explain but basically its to do with Sadako and the Hiroshima bombing. Looking for hope, peace, etc. Its better then it sounds, I swear :P
  9. LinzyHodge

    Earth and Environmental Science Students 2008???

    I do Earth! Tectonic Impacts kills me, I can't seem to memorise which volcanoes and their properties goes with each boundary. I really like Earth, apart from that. We're doing Introduced Species as our option and I can't believe how simple it is =|
  10. LinzyHodge

    BOW titles?

    Sounds like an interesting work! I don't have a title as yet, and I agree, its one of the hardest parts of the work. I have no good ideas and my teacher wasn't any help today. Right now its 'Hope, Peace & Red Lipstick' but I'm trying to think of something else. So excited for Monday!
  11. LinzyHodge

    BOW 2008 - what are your ideas

    Lol thats awesome! I'd really like to see it, sounds really sweet!
  12. LinzyHodge

    Art Essay Help Needed!!!!!!

    I would point out that contempory art often allows the audience to make up their own meaning to an artwork and therefore a greater involvement (rather then the artist presenting their exact meaning to an audience as in previous times.) Hope that helps even a little.
  13. LinzyHodge

    BOW 2008 - what are your ideas

    I'm doing (attempting) fashion photography. Basically, my concept is an interpretation of the story of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. And if you don't know the story I guess it could just be interpretted as looking for hope. Its just very colourful, photos with text on top using a very...
  14. LinzyHodge

    Where Can I Get A Model For B.o.w??

    Why not ask your friends? I just asked around and one of my friend's posed for me. I don't think a modelling agency is necessary. Good luck though.
  15. LinzyHodge

    BOW 2008 - what are your ideas

    Nascent, sounds like a cool idea! Would be very interesting to see.
  16. LinzyHodge

    Stock photography?

    Thanks a lot!
  17. LinzyHodge

    Stock photography?

    Putting together my HSC work I've realised I'm going to need some stock photography. These are pictures I can in no possible way take myself and I was wondering what the Board Of Studies policy is on this? Full credit in the diary and enough change to make it my own of course. Thanks.
  18. LinzyHodge

    BOW 2008 - what are your ideas

    Indie, your idea sounds amazing. I would love to see it when its finished. The title is too funny.
  19. LinzyHodge

    Dropping Mathematics.

    Hey, Thanks so much for your imput. I've decided on continuing with the course until I completely finish prelim (halfway through this term,) and then seeing what happens. I'll more then likely drop, because as alot of you said, there is no point doing a subject you suck at. Thanks again! Lindsay.
  20. LinzyHodge

    Dropping Mathematics.

    So I'm starting year twelve in two days time and am trying to decide on what to drop. I know that alot of kids stick with 12 units to have something to fall back on but I firmly believe I'll be okay with 10. My problem is my dismal results in Mathematics. I want to drop it but am being advised...