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  1. llamalope

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    i was just saying that with many people, both are fumbling, and dont reall know what they're doing, and if the guy's a virgin too, its likely that it wont last long. But then again, there are some who have good staying power ;)
  2. llamalope

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    i think thats the same with many ppl's first experiences.....
  3. llamalope

    the OC

    hahaha go summer! love the resourcefulness
  4. llamalope

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    its called sarcasm... you might want to try it some time... (like now...)
  5. llamalope

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    bahahahahahahaha stop procrastinating woman... MBLG is not going to study by itself....
  6. llamalope

    What's Cheating?

    ok ok... its an excuse... but a bloody awful one
  7. llamalope

    What's Cheating?

    yes... kissing somebody gay is cheating.... unless the gay guy is your bf (hey... it happens folks...) and drunkenness is absolutely no excuse for any cheating-esque activities.
  8. llamalope

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    i was saying that jokingly ... that why i did this ;) Dude... lighten up!
  9. llamalope

    Keds shoes

    which target do u go to, because i swear black and blue target at b/wood has absolutely nada that looks like keds....
  10. llamalope

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    to that chick who said that you can't find a decent girl who doesn't smoke... yes, there are plenty thanks.... i happen 2 b one of them ;) for guys... hairy back... sorry.....
  11. llamalope

    How much do u spend?

    i have winnie the pooh boxers :D
  12. llamalope

    What's Cheating?

    spot on! have u been watching dr Phill?
  13. llamalope

    What's Cheating?

    cheating - deliberately flirting with somebody else, fantasising about or liking another person that you come in to contact with (i exclude celebrities, but for instance if you fantasised about your bf's best friend that would be pretty bad), sending dirty sms to somebody other than your...
  14. llamalope

    How much do u spend?

    apparently, i read somewhere, that there was a study that showed that women who didn't wear bras weren't any more likely to get saggy boobs than women who did wear bras... i think it all averages out in the long run
  15. llamalope

    How much do u spend?

    i spend a lot of my money of other people's b'day presents. They always cost so much money. Particularly for my best friend. we spend so much money on each other... but its reciprocal, and she's practically my sister anyway, so i dont mind much.
  16. llamalope

    J&J Holiday Skin

    I got mine at medisave chemist. cheap AND abundant... and they give you free samples.
  17. llamalope

    How much do u spend?

    i have spending sprees. For example, I got my tax return back and i pretty much spent it in about a week. I have huge periods of drought where i dont buy anything at all, but thats because I'm busy 7 days per week, and i never have a day to myself. I spend most of my money on trnasport and food...
  18. llamalope

    spicks and specks

    this show is great... I'm sure they only have about 15 minutes of content tho, because they spend half the time laughing at each other!
  19. llamalope

    if ur bf/gf was a player

    guy who has done 1 or more of the following a) cheated on one or multiple girlfriends (which means pashing, inappropriate touching, raunchy sms and/or sex) b) flirts constantly with other girls c)has not has a long term serious relationship
  20. llamalope

    Semester 2, 2005 at Usyd (or 2005 at USyd)

    no way... it has to be a woman!