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  1. llamalope

    Market City

    Market city has good playboy bunny underwear. sometimes you'll find something nice.
  2. llamalope

    Keds shoes

    who has these? You know, those vintage sneaker things. I saw the ad, and i fell in love with them. I love the black ones and the pink ones *knows what to ask for for xmas*
  3. llamalope

    Should paper 2 be 3 hours?

    no, it should stay as 2 hours, otherwise it wouldn't differentiate the good students from the bad. you just have to train yourself to write fast
  4. llamalope

    Module B: Cloudstreet

    OMFG i hate you guys... the a shit easy question compared with what we got asked.... at least u didn't have to talk about 2 f****** extracts....
  5. llamalope

    Module B: Cloudstreet

    what was the question for this? I'm sure they made it easier because everyody fucked up last year
  6. llamalope

    never been 'kissed'

    and that is a genuinely smart thing to say spend less time at home, in your room on the internet, and more time out with your friends. You will find somebody. How do you know they only like you for your looks? I mean, sure looks are usually the first thing people notice, but there's usually...
  7. llamalope

    Pride and Prejudice

    I know this opens tomorrow, but i wanted to start the thread first... who is going to see this? I am going, just to be insenced at the fact that the director is trying to turn the story into some sort of dramatic soap opera style.... the trailer has offically lowered my expectations
  8. llamalope

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    this is what i bought over the last week (i got $700 back in tax) black levi's supatubes 2 pairs of havianas a green tropical top 2 polo shirts a belt
  9. llamalope

    Clubs and Socs Advertising Thread

    It's that time of year again the time when i bombard you all with shameless advertising disguised as a thread. But in the intrests of obeying site rules of discussion, we could always turn this into a general clubs and socs thread.. anyway more to the point, MADSOC (movement and dance...
  10. llamalope

    fake tan

    solariums are SO MUCH WORSE THAN THE SUN!
  11. llamalope

    fake tan

    I like J&J... I'm really pale, so it's gentle enough for me (actually maybe a little too gentle...)... I don't want to come out looking like toast. The good part is that yoiur body gets moisturised at the same time, and now my skin is very soft
  12. llamalope

    Dancing With The Stars

    oh dear... pauline hanson was your political hero?????? what is the world coming too.
  13. llamalope

    the OC

    From what i have read (yes folks i refuse to download) it sounds really good.... although annoying at times, but generally good
  14. llamalope

    wax stains

    the ironing thing works really well.... just get some kitchen towel, and double itover, and then iron on the top of it... keep replacing the paper
  15. llamalope

    the OC

    charred remains... get out of this thread
  16. llamalope

    Dancing With The Stars

    Damn i hate this show... it makes me cringe.... As a dancer, i think this show is really kind of dumb in its concept... but it would be ok if they had a decent host (Daryl Sommers is the most annoying person on the planet), and people who actually have the ability to potentially dance well...
  17. llamalope

    the OC

    you people need to find something else to do rather than download tv shows all day... :rolleyes: hahahaha
  18. llamalope

    Pre-Enrollment for 2006

    Science/commerce (in the event that I'm still in NSW, of course... which is looking increasingly more likely). 1st year commerce is spread out over 3 years. I'm doing all the 2XXX psyc subjects.... whatever they are... stats and psychometrics is one of them i know....
  19. llamalope

    The *Oh Dear How Rude!* Dirty Music Thread

    "You got dick for dayz and I got ass to spare" that line is a rip off of Ice Cube (or the other way round... which ever came first) "Baby bounce them tits Mama move them hips Baby shake them cheeks I got dick for days You got ass for weeks"
  20. llamalope

    The *Oh Dear How Rude!* Dirty Music Thread

    Ginuwine: (Chorus) I like it I love it I want it all the time (sex) I crave it I needs it Its all ways on my mind (sex) I like it I love it I want it all the time (sex) I crave it I needs it Its all ways on my mind (sex) I gotta show the other freaky side of me...