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  1. F

    Difficulty of HSC

    But i found 2001 easier than 2002, so by looking at that arithmetic series, 2003 will either increase in difficulty or go down to an easy standard. Either way, it shouldn't be as bad a the 4U exam.
  2. F

    Ext 1

    I found that in past papers, the 3U has been a breeze compared to the 4U exams. It's probably because all the hard 3U q's are like the easy-normal 4U q's so i don't think that it will be a problem come wednesday.
  3. F

    4u Maths Tutor

    There's no need to pay a tutor when i can get my teachers, mrs arnold, to help me out for free. Besides, i just can't be bothered with a tutor, takes away too much fun time.
  4. F

    How many speeches did you do for module B?

    I used Goldman and McAleese. It seemed to me to really go in-depth with two took up 40 min. so i couldn't add a third. I also disagreed with the statement.
  5. F

    Any one like me? Couldn't finish writing all the student numb and centre number and

    We were told to just fill out the front of the booklets at the start and that's all we needed. That took about 1 minute. They said to not bother on the writing pages because it wastes time and the markers don't look at that. Even if we forgot to fill out the details then they just let us...
  6. F


    I hope it is Kyi's speech, because there is so much crap in it which is easy to write about. It may be too much to hope for an open choice, but they'll most likely prescribe only one.
  7. F

    chem monit. dop point

    It was covered in our skills test and it had secondary data which were needed to be interpreted. If it didn't give any data, then it will be impossible to mark because there are many water supplies throughout the state.
  8. F

    some nice tips for answering exam questions

    I always seem to write more than the lines. There is just too much information in my head from all that studying. BTW, most of those tips our teacher gave us in the lead up so at least i know now that he isn't telling porkies.
  9. F

    stupid marking

    I scabbed an extra 5 marks from the paper. That was because my teacher gave me the oppurtunity to show him my sources, such as that branch of chemistry question. In my first chem test, i got an extra 13 marks, and on the second one, i got an extra 9. Too bad i can't argue for marks on the...
  10. F

    notemaking for speeches

    Turn up to the tutorials and all the notes you need are handed to you. That's the only advice i can give
  11. F

    Difficulty of HSC

    Just because last year's exam was "easy", doesn't mean that this will be "hard". The Board wants to make the new HSC more unpredictable so if everyone is predicting a hard exam, then they'll come up with an easy exam. That's unpredictable. But if they predict that we predict that they'll...
  12. F

    Change - Related Texts

    How 'bout Return of the Jedi: George Lucas Silmarillion: JRR Tolkien
  13. F

    New Physics Iz Wacko!!!!

    That's probably true but the way our chem and physics teachers teach it just makes it seem that way. All overheads in physics but thinking and writing up your own stuff in chem.
  14. F

    New Physics Iz Wacko!!!!

    Physics is much easier though because all you have to do is memerise perfect extended answers on impacts and you get lots of marks. Chem is more interesting though because of all the theory involved which actually may be needed at uni
  15. F

    M&G: Edison vs Westinghouse

    That looks good enough for me. Thanks very much. I was just worried as M&G hasn't been really hit upon and this might be in this years exam. You never know?
  16. F

    M&G: Edison vs Westinghouse

    There's this dot point in the generators section of M&G about assessing the competition between Edison and Westinghouse. I asked my teacher about this and he had no clue about it. Also it ain't in any textbooks i've looked at. Any help?
  17. F

    Shouldn't I get marks for this???

    They aren't critical Dash. Those marks wouldn't matter in the end result so there is no use worrying about it. It think that commutator should have only been one mark because it says only an identify type. If it was to DESCRIBE, then you would've needed the reason. Seeing that it was only one...
  18. F

    assignment due in ...

    That portfolio was pretty fucked up. Very few of the questions related to the syllabus so it was pretty much a waste of valuable non-physics time.
  19. F


    That's the first question of the portfolio. Are you going to do any work on your own AC. PS: nobody help him as he is cheating!!!!
  20. F

    Sulfuric Acid

    Give up. If you haven't got a topic by now, there is no hope. I recommend you do something related to the first prac. That is all the help i can give you.