The sodium metal had an oxidation state of 0, but after it was added to the water it had an oxidation state of +1, thus redox has occured oxidation states were changed.
Hope that helped.
I did fractals but i think i was the only one who did. It was also the best part of my work believe it or not. Most of the stuff that Huy said was included in my work so that would be good stuff to use.
Nope. Electroplating and electrorefining is cut out (thankfully).
It is a bit strange strange on the part of the board to get rid of this as this is where all the the use of electrochemistry is explained. But i don't mind.
Usually the left hand column is for recall stuff that you can find directly from a textbook, whereas the right hand column usually requires a bit more research, as shown by the term 'use secondary sources'.
They have to both be written up but it is a good idea to elaborate and go really deep...
I quite like all my texts. Only the truth stuff associated with Birthday Letters is the only one which i'm not so confident with.
Ender's Game
Birthday Letters.
I've got a great teacher. We never wrote down notes in class and all we do is just talk about the syllabus dot points and then write them up and do text book questions at home.
I've found that that is really helping me.
We're doing industrial. It seems to be pretty easy so far, as we've got equilibrium and that sorted out a long time ago. It seems to be mostly recall stuff with some easy maths involved.