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  1. G


    How do u increase ur metabolism the 'natural' way? I mean increasing ur metabolism wifout using tablets n all that sort of stuff?
  2. G

    Open Day?

    Does anyone noe wen tha UTS open day is? I'd appriciate any info about any other university open days too. :) Thanx in advance!
  3. G

    FREE HSC Workshop at Parramatta

    two friends and myself r going 2 this free hsc workshop thing n i thought i'd let everyone noe about it... Its at Parramatta and the Maths 'lectures' if dats wat u wanna cal em are on the 23-27 of february 09 from 4pm-6pm Essay writing workshop is on Saturday 28th 11-2pm. lunch provided...
  4. G

    Why doesn't SAM calculate a top mark in BSA?

    Every mark that i have put into the calculator which is 94 or above for BSA (business services administration) doesn't make a difference to my UAI score??? What's wrong with SAM? I mean coming first and getting 100 surely should affect ur UAI??
  5. G

    Is it worth doing Adv. english if it only ups your uai by 0.4?

    On the SAM calculator i tried the same values for all my subjects and played around with english...n i found each tym that Advanced English is only upped by o.4 in the UAI compared to Standard??? I don't know whether its worth all the extra effort??? I'd really appriciate any advice...:)