Chemistry is the biggest waste of your life if you not considering to be one of these:
1. Analytical chemist
2. Environmetal chemist
3. Industrial chemist
4. Chemistry Teacher
5. Blah blah blah
The chemistry course is dry as hell, boring to the extent that you will never again want to...
I wasted my HSC year studying a load of BS force-fed by the BOS. x)
HSC is a hindrance to my life, at times, tbh.
I wish i could go to uni asap, but uni seems stressful.
Just read tonnes of newspapers on ur case study and you will be good to write a 10 page essay. Especially when you are doing China, newspaper articles are literally in thousands.
They might just ask about the good, old question on protectionism and Australia trade flows in the globalised...
LoL, Eco already? I got Bio and Maths before eco.
I am just reading newspapers as they are far more interesting than the text books xD.
There are so much doom and gloom happening in our world, so we just need to whack some of it in every essay of yours and you will be fine =)
I am...
LoL for those who did pure productions and readings.
What if you focused your essay on Shakespeare's King Lear rather than your own interpretation lol?