YES, mine had only one staple for the whole booklet, so the pages were flying everywhere while i was speed writing. Damn.
Those booklets were so cheaply made, so cheap BOS
What if yours was empty and you didn't put the question number insde the booklet. Are they smart enough to figure out im doing physical journeys? ..... even though its so obvious...
How do you should the marker that your ideas and of your own? What language technique would show them that?
I heard that descriptive language would do it as the deputy principal told us that in school. Anything else?
I got ANU as my last preference anyways, and I can say goodbye to ANU forever.
But apparently ANU is australia's best uni, the UAI requirements are so low due to lack of demand :) :(
I guess the HSC advice line is overloaded with people asking for KL as it is the most confusing module ever. I am now cutting most of my readings and the essay is so short now >.<