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  1. llamalope

    Pre-Enrollment for 2006

    I've pre-enrolled, how very scary. 4 psychology subjects, 2 2nd year HPSC subjects and Accounting 1A and 1B.... hahahaha...crap. hey, if some of my marketing subjects require ECMT 1010 or whatever the number is, but I did math1005 instead of ecmt (which is legit, you can do one or the other...
  2. llamalope

    the OC

    last night I watched episode 3 of season 2 "The New Kids on the Block". I haven't seen this ep before, because i was in france when it aired, so it was all new for me. OMG If I was lindsay i would be so embarassed about the whole coffe accident thing... i would just waqnt to curl up and die. But...
  3. llamalope

    J&J Holiday Skin

    i just bought this stuff... it smells so damn good!!!! We'll see tomorrow whether it makes me look oh so natural, or like a carrot (or alternatively like all the american exchange students at usyd... :rolleyes: )
  4. llamalope

    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    oh yeah... really mature.. :rolleyes:
  5. llamalope

    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    how fucking rude... Don't ever wish that on someone! Personally i wouldn't go to Bali, but good on the people who are brave enough to. but you aaaman are a first class aaarsehole
  6. llamalope

    the OC

    we'll survive... it will give us a chance to talk about old episodes and reminisce!
  7. llamalope

    the OC

    didn't they have the baseball on yesterday, so it didn't air?
  8. llamalope

    Australian Princess

    absolute load of crapola!
  9. llamalope

    Favourite Lipglosses

    body shop lip balm is my absolute favourite, because its good for your lips, and it makes them glossy. Passionberry is the best one i recon
  10. llamalope

    the OC

    more like "you the man-HOARE!"
  11. llamalope

    Swimmers Summer '05'

    my best friend and i went into city beach to look for new swimmers, and whilst she found a hot pair which were white with green sparkly flowers, i found NOTHING. that's right. NOTHING. they all seriously sucked. ugly colours, ugly designs, the lot. I want to go to one of those little beach towns...
  12. llamalope


    boardies used to be my staple... but i couldn't be bothered anymore... I have to get a new pair anyway since i grew out of my old ones (boohoo!) I got converted since i went to terrigal with a few friends, and now i don't really care what anybody else thinks of my bum :D it just means that...
  13. llamalope

    Pachelbel's Canon

    sounds even better the way it was meant to be played.... string trio/quartet. i like the actual piece, its the connotations associated. this piece is supposed to lower your blood pressure. thats true for everybody on the planet except me!
  14. llamalope

    Pachelbel's Canon

    OH MY GOD... this piece gives me nightmares.... my ex (who plays the cello) and i arranged this piece for piano (that was my job...8th grade piano, and i still suck at sight reading) and cello and played it for some fundraising evening... Stupidly i said "oh don't worry about me, I'll just...
  15. llamalope

    Favourite album of 2005 so far...

    ok why does everybody on BOS listen to weird indie rock/underground music? there seems to be an unhealthy concentration of said music devotees :p
  16. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    OH MY GOD I totally forgot about plasmo. HAHA that was funny shit
  17. llamalope

    the OC

    the spin off has been on the cards for a while. It was supposed to be about caitlin at boarding school
  18. llamalope

    Nudie Jeans?

    they look like you are a slob and couldn't be bothered ironing your clothes. I dont like them. Why buy pre-crushed jeans, when you could scrunch them up, and leave them at the bottom of the washing basket for a week to get the same look?
  19. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    the only thing wrong with amazing was the stupid outfits they had to wear
  20. llamalope

    Favourite album of 2005 so far...

    Missy Higgins - The Sound of White I haven't really bought much music this year...