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  1. llamalope

    the OC

    YAY... by best friend just bought me season 2 on box set for my b'day tomorrow. One season is just never enough now bring on season 3 :)
  2. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    I wanted to be the pink one... oh you know... the one played by Amy jo Johnson. I remember somebody once had a power rangers party. And the guy i went to the formal with went as the black one (this was when we were like 9 or something...). I think the power rangers movie sucked... why do they...
  3. llamalope

    SRC Elections 2005

    1) that figure was released by the union, based on the ability to recoup about $2 million through hard-selling 2) its not a private event. It is an event as part of Verge, Free to all members of the public 3) where else will we hold the event? we did it in the cellar theatre... i nearly...
  4. llamalope

    SRC Elections 2005

    ok fine... would YOU pay $240 for membership?? Running events costs money. Manning Bar costs money. Having to hire bouncers costs money. Getting proffessional teachers in for Verge costs money. Costumes cost money. We will now have to pay our own indemnity insurance.... guess what... that...
  5. llamalope

    SRC Elections 2005

    Well i hate everybody running for the SRC... I hate that dumb bastard Nick wood and his stupid posters (I think he's the best of the worst). I hate Karoline and her nazi-feminist ways... but most of all, I hate Choice.... BY FAR. I'm sorry.... but by going into a maths lecture and saying you...
  6. llamalope

    the secret world of alex mack

    it will probably star some hollywood bimbo... like Lindsay Lohan.... :rolleyes:
  7. llamalope

    When is too young to be having sex

    well... I think that 16 is a minimum age... if you start having sex younger, you lose your innocence..... It's not necessary to have sex any younger, because you lack the emotional maturity to cope with the responsibilities etc that go with sex. that being said... there are plenty of 16yo's who...
  8. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    hahaha nah its not for a formal... I'm in uni. It was going to be for the performance last night at sydney uni, because we had to wear hotpants, but it didn't really matter, because the lighting wasn't really bright or anything. We looked hot anyway ;) Oh well... bring on summer. (not that i...
  9. llamalope

    the OC

    yeah i think it was something like that.
  10. llamalope

    guys with a comb over...

    1 word..... EW. this guy i used to go out with, for a short period in my life when i'd lost my mind totally, used to cut his hair about 1-2 times per year (and we'd give him shit for it) but one day he came to school and he had a combover. I nearly threw up. end of story. I'm sorry, i have...
  11. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    i dont mind being pale that much. it's called porcelain skin..... just personally i think it's better to be pale and interesting, but i wanted a general consensus on that issue. Besides... St tropez is too expensive for my budget to be buying regularly just to top up a fake tan, but I'm sure it...
  12. llamalope

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    you cant really see it.... so no, not really. just want to take away the white glare that is me. trust me, the can is going in the bin
  13. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    yeah well i wanted to find one that was instant, because i didn';t want to be unpleasantly surprised. If it went horribly wrong, i would just scrub it off...
  14. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    well... i put on a very light layer of leTan stuff... actually you can hardly see it, but it makes my legs look less ghostly... plus, I'm dancing in hotpants, so i needed to do something. It looks ok... i was too scared to do anything darker, because i would look like a pumpkin.... but i think...
  15. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    well... i certainly dont look like any of those blonde bimbos at sydney uni who are practically orange with pale blonde hair.... i suppose its not so bad, because my fair is not really that light, so i dont look like a ghost...but i am not tanned or bronzed by any means or description
  16. llamalope

    Swimmers Summer '05'

    if you are like me and have no boobs, than its perfectly ok to wear triangle bikinis with no padding... because not much support is needed there. lol... oh well.... there's more to life than having big boobs
  17. llamalope

    pale skin or fake tan?

    ok I have dark blonde hair and my skin is quite pale. I don't really tan very well... i usually burn THEN go brown, which is not the most sensible option, cause it hurts, so my question is.... should i go with the fake tanning option? Is brown always best? Any guys who are brave enough to go to...
  18. llamalope

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    orange "butterfly records" singlet from glassons sunnies from target and le tan in le can
  19. llamalope

    Don't Cha

    i resent anybody who wears that shirt, because I KNOW I bought it before anybody else in Sydney did... I got it in Melbourne, then about 3-4 weeks after i got back to sydney, those shirts were EVERYWHERE. damn 13yo teenyboppers but yes.... this song screams "trailer park trashy whores".
  20. llamalope

    the OC

    I watch because a) its addictive b) its my escapism for the week and c) i wish i was as hot as mischa barton.... ah well, I can only dream. I love the fact that these kids never seem to do any actual school work, or never have any major assignments due, or never study. I wish i had that much...