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  1. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    see? I'm glad ABC never resorted to those kind of shows... i remember one called wipeout. I used to think "why can't they ask our school... we're way smarter than those idiots!" but we're not a state school so that rules us out pretty much. its probably filmed in melbourne or something anyway.
  2. llamalope

    Pride and Prejudice

    omg i just watched the trailer... it looks like they've tried to turn it into a soap opera. my best guy friend and i were sitting in the cinema going "Oh WHAT??? WTF???"... it was very amusing. I like the fact that when Keira knightly says "you are the last man in the world whom i could ever...
  3. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    those 5 minute ones were absolutely classic. there was this cartoon about this bunch of animals and their little adventures, and for the life of me i dont know what it was... it was obviously hand drawn... and there was no dialogue... yehi heard the rocky and bullwinkle movie totally...
  4. llamalope

    Semester 2 exam timetable

    Monday nov 7 Econ1002 1:50-4:00 Tuesday nov 8 psyc1002 9:20-12:00 thursday nov 10 chem1102 9:20-12:30 Friday nov 11 math1005 12:00-1:40 Monday nov 14th math1004 3:00-4:40. and to think if i was dumb enough to do math1003 i'd be finished by lunchtime friday 11th.... oh well. never mind...
  5. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    yeah that sounds about right. New ABC for kids shows just suck. I put on ABC at around 5:00 yesterday just to see what the quality was like... we had it SOOO much better in our day. meanwhile i found my old rocky and bullwinkle video yesterday. That show is gold :D i mean how can you beat...
  6. llamalope

    Delta Goodrem

    aww shame... we're so diametrically opposite that it would sure make for an exciting marriage
  7. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    i bought size 8 straight legs... i was really unsure about this because while i was a size 8 at the beginning of the year, my thighs grew a bit to compensate for my height, so i became a size 10. But the sales assitant assured me that if they didn't stretch enough in the first week to take them...
  8. llamalope

    Delta Goodrem

    when i hear things like that i just think "what a nice guy. I think I want to marry somebody like that" :p
  9. llamalope

    Delta Goodrem

    well aren't you just a charming individual? i like here I am, but its not an option. I find actually playing her songs to be very theraputic. And by playing, i mean playing on the piano... not playing the CD
  10. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    count duckula also used to be on channel 10 according to the website i was looking at when i was trying to determine whether rocky and bullwinkle was actually on ABC (which it was...)
  11. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    yeah i know what you mean about rugrats... oh and correction: darkwing duck was on channel 7, not ABC. oops...
  12. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    omg ur right... I couldn't remember what it was called. and then there was the adventures of tintin Bananaman The trapdoor DARIA (f****** brilliant show) Feral TV franklin Gogwana (the spin-off of Gogs) Labyrinth Little Bear Zoolympics (this was a great 5 minute cartoon)...
  13. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    barbar it was... oh man... I'm on a roll now... there was nellie the elephant, darkwing duck and freaky stories, and there was some show about toys that came to life when there was nobody in the room. ahh i love the ABC
  14. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    and of course, back in the day, there was Rocky and Bullwinke (I con't believe nobody watched that show. You guys are seriously deprived) and roger ramjet!
  15. llamalope

    The good old 'on ABC this afternoon' shows

    OMG the biz!!! I totally forgot what that was called. I loved that show! and minty!!! ah the memories. Didn't they end up swapping lives completely by the end of the series?
  16. llamalope

    the OC

    Just watched "the shower"... man I love Cindy. She's such a stirrer. THe look on Julie's face was priceless. Well at least Celeb likes her... In some ways I wish Theresa would have just gone back to Eddie and left everybody alone, but then that would be bad for her in the long run. Although I'm...
  17. llamalope

    the OC

    well i didn't quite finish season 1, but i DID watch "the proposal". Man, caleb is such a bastard sometimes (i love him cause he's an aussie, but still...) I can't believe he blackmailed marissa into moving in with them... after everything that seth and summer did to fix up her room to make it...
  18. llamalope

    Did you vote?

    i voted yesterday.... then i got verbally and almost physically harassed by every man and his dog that was running for the damn src... so that as soon as one of them even LOOKED at me i said "I've already voted. I'VE ALREADY VOTED. i'VE ALREADY VOTED!!!". sOME PEOPLE WONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER
  19. llamalope

    the OC

    i think i'm gonna have an oc marathon tonight. hopefully i can finish season 1 tonight... only about 3 to go i think
  20. llamalope

    the secret world of alex mack

    OMG thats right.... that was a dramatic episode... wasn't there some explosion or something? I love ABC programming