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  1. Official

    BigBigBig question

    There's one thing that I am really confused about which I want answered :). Say there is 5 people doing a subject which we will call X. The ranks of these people are as follows. A - 1 B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, E - 5. In the final HSC exam, these people get receive these marks: A - 85, B - 88, C -...
  2. Official

    Out of curiosity

    I know that this is a pretty big ask but may the people who did the HSC in 2008 post what your rank in your subjects were and what school mark you ended up getting for the HSC? Oh and also tell us what your school rank was too :) Thanks
  3. Official


    Can anyone quickly solve this simple question: 7/(3-x)(x+3) > -1 Thanks:haha:
  4. Official

    Hello, question for HSCers

    I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who kinda epic failed their junior years at high school but did well in the HSC or are doing quite well in terms of their marks and ranks so far. I'm curious because apparently most of my teachers/other students believe that if you don't do well...
  5. Official

    Syllabus Change

    I'm just curious, is there going to be a syllabus change waiting to happen for Chemistry? I know that there might be one for maths for the 2011 HSCers. Thanks
  6. Official

    Questions from 2007 and 2008 Paper 2007 paper 2008 paper Here's the link to the 2 papers; can anyone please be kind enough to do these questions for me...
  7. Official

    HSC marks in relation to SC marks

    A lot of teachers / elder students have been saying to me that HSC marks are directly related to SC marks. So from your previous experiences do you believe that this is true or just another one of those common myths? If you want, post your HSC marks + UAI and your SC marks so we can see if...