Search results

  1. llamalope

    what are you over??

    except that nicole ritchie looks like a garden rake
  2. llamalope

    the OC

    but really... how do these people know anything..... its not like fox releases official summaries before the night that the episode plays
  3. llamalope

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    pass= 50-64, credit= 65-74, distinction=75-84, HD= 85-100
  4. llamalope

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    far out... will the f*cking maths and econ results come up already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. llamalope

    the OC

    OMG i found the funniest site. It seems there has been speculation as to what will bge happening in the 1st episode of season 3... and boy does this website get it wrong. I don't know where they get their information, because not only is the release date wrong, they have the wrong title for the...
  6. llamalope

    what are you over??

    Can somebody please explain to me the trend of skinny jeans. I really don't get it. They accentuate your thighs and your bum (which, if I'm not mistaken are the two areas of a woman's body she generally thinks are the fattest) and I'm a size 8 with fairly long legs(so I'm not fat or anything)...
  7. llamalope

    the OC

    where'd u get that information?
  8. llamalope

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    I checked mine at 6:00, same with uai... then i discovered that it wasn't released until 9:00, so i went back to bed. But yeah.... when are the bloody maths results comming out... I want to know if i passed math1001.....
  9. llamalope

    the OC

    box set is awesome. watching it made me remember how totally excellent the first half of the first series was....I'm up to "The Rescue" atm. But geez last night's episode was majorly sad. Like I never cry in movies or tv shows, and i was about to cry for like half the episode. Best episode ever.
  10. llamalope

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    wow..... yeah i think he must have been pissed off. I feel for you..... I think somebody needs a hug..... :p
  11. llamalope

    Best bits of Europe and UK

    Vienna is an amazing city... so many museums, and its so beautiful. I recommend seeing the schoenbrunn palace in vienna. Also I went to saltzburg, and i had an unbearable urge to break into song and sing "I am 16 going on 17..." Of course, then there's paris. Ahhhhh paris.... you could spend...
  12. llamalope

    the OC

    yay! 300th page and still going strong. probably the series will be finished in the us by the time it premieres here
  13. llamalope

    the OC

    I have a feeling that the third series will start with a movie-length premiere....
  14. llamalope

    the OC

    I know. But in a way I'm glad he's dead... I wonder if ryan will be able to get over the fact that marissa kiled his brother. I want them to be together again
  15. llamalope

    the OC

    its thats the official website
  16. llamalope

    the OC

    it's amazing how much BOS lets you type.... :p
  17. llamalope

    the OC

    ok soha, here goes.... Sandy checks out an alcohol treatment center before Caleb's funeral. Seth finds the brochure for the treatment center in Sandy's desk while looking for a cell phone charger. Seth assumes it's for his dad but Ryan's pretty sure it's not. At the treatment center...
  18. llamalope

    the OC

    Omg that was so sad.... I was sitting on the couch with my jaw slightly dropped, at the part when they take kirsten away, and my grandma comes in and starts talking to mum, and she talked non-stop for about 10 minutes.... all the while I was so absorbed in what was happening.
  19. llamalope

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    OH MY GOD I AM A GENIUS!!!!!!!! I got 68 in chem and 79 in psych and i thought i'd fail chem.... :p
  20. llamalope

    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    last 2 albums i bought were Radiohead - kid A Jem - finally woken both were rather crap