lol at the idiots getting angry. What, did they think they'd be the only ones rushing to get 99c litre petrol?
Hi guys!
This semester I am doing a one off law subject (Australian Legal System) and we're on to assignment 2. Now Assignment 1 I passed, but it was only an essay and didn't require the use of referencing cases etc.
Assignment two is more tricky. The scenario is: You have studied a number of...
Makes me wonder just how many of these cases exist world wide ...
tbh i think they should put the poor thing down :( watching Dr. Karl just then and he explained the implications of trying to save it, no language, no social skills, no feeding skills and there is no guarantee intervention will be successful anyway.
kill the whale :(
Who cares man. Aren't teachers allowed to have lives outside of school? Also whose responsibility (cough parents) is it to ensure 11 year olds aren't viewing material on the internets that isn't suitable?
Kudos to the court, but I'm confused as to why he couldn't see his kid, even after an order of visitation was put in AND there was no abuse or violence.
The mother is despecible :(