Search results

  1. katie tully

    Personhood starts at conception

    North Dakota lawmakers vote that 'personhood' starts at conception | World Breaking News | Excellent precedence has been set.
  2. katie tully

    DNA used to identify Nicolas Copernicus's body

    Polskie Radio dla zagranicy - Forensics to look for DNA in Copernicus manuscript Who said those crazy Poles were useless. If you don't know who Nic Cop is, you're probably a Muslim or a Fundy Christian. (I'll give you a hint, the earth isn't the centre of the univerise ;) )
  3. katie tully

    Facebook owns you

    Facebook: All Your Stuff Is Ours, Even If You Quit lol what
  4. katie tully

    How much?? chemistry in Medicine

    Oh hi thar. This is mainly for the Medicine students who have done more than their first year. How much chemistry is there in medicine? I'm in MedSc and there is a fair bit of general chem and then there is your standard biochem, which to be honest is fine... But in an MBBS, is there a fair...
  5. katie tully

    Define "offensive"

    A WOMAN is outraged after she was kicked out of the Northern Territory's biggest shopping centre for wearing a bikini top. Barbara Rilatt and her husband Neil, both 28, were furious to be asked by security if they had a T-shirt to cover up her upper body or to leave Casuarina Square last...
  6. katie tully

    An open, heartfelt appeal to the masses

    Please for the love of Jesus and everything holy, can we please have no more threads on Muslims. Let's just combine all the Muslim threads, and have one big super Muslim thread where BBJ and Sam04u declare jihad and everybody else makes uncovered meat jokes. I can't take it anymore. NCAP is...
  7. katie tully

    Nitschke v Abbott

    Death will really get the ball rolling - National - Wish I was there :( Dr Philip Nitschke, the Greens senator Bob Brown and a former federal health minister, Professor Peter Baume, will argue the proposition against another former federal health minister, Tony Abbott, the Jesuit...
  8. katie tully

    More copyright fiasco for you freedom lovers

    Bands and fans caught in Warner Music copyright crackdown on YouTube | Top stories | YOUTUBE users are outraged over a sudden copyright crackdown on the video-sharing website. Artists such as Death Cab For Cutie and Led Zeppelin have had their official videos removed...
  9. katie tully

    Australian of the Year

    Officer filmed video of drunk Aborigine near Katherine, Northern Territory | National News | A POLICE officer has been reprimanded for making an intoxicated man sing and dance on camera. The footage was filmed in a remote community near Katherine and showed an Aborigine, named...
  10. katie tully

    Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of her

    Parents of ecstasy death woman Rosanne Bebendorf speak out | National Breaking News | wat
  11. katie tully

    Att Fatties: Good work on getting blue cheese banned

    Vegemite, blue cheese, jams under threat due to salt, fat, sugar content | National | What the hell is this. No morbidly obese people got that way because they sat there and ate toast smeared with Vegemite, jam and soft cheese. And fuck off with regulating my food. Why should...
  12. katie tully

    The Vatican are being twats again

    The Pill 'polluting the environment' | Health & Lifestyle | THE contraceptive pill is polluting the environment and is in part responsible for male infertility, a report in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said today. The pill "has for some years had devastating...
  13. katie tully

    Does simulated media cause acts of indecency?

    Can simulated media be held responsible for the acts of people? Whether it be assault, indecency towards others, rape, etc? For example (and somebody did find an article on this), does pornography lead to increased sexual aggression in those with tendencies towards sexual aggression already?
  14. katie tully

    Why is God so unkind????????,27574,24690056-29277,00.html HE rare two-faced kitten born in Perth this week has died. The kitten, which was being kept at its owner's Midvale home with its mother and two siblings, died late yesterday afternoon as a result of its deformity, PerthNow reported...
  15. katie tully

    haha.,27574,24640894-401,00.html faith humanity diminishing
  16. katie tully

    Paternity tests prove hundreds of men duped

    TBH I think it's a crock. There should be mandatory testing required for all submissions for child support. I think at the moment, it's the fathers responsibility to prove he isn't the father, but too many don't doet.
  17. katie tully

    thanks to obama, i will be able to buy cheap stuff from america again,27753,24606969-31037,00.html
  18. katie tully

    This is so sad :(,27574,24579702-1243,00.html
  19. katie tully

    Egypt sheikh backs women's right to beat husbands

    CAIRO (AFP) - Sunni Islam's highest authority has approved a woman's right to fight back if her husband uses violence against her, Egypt's Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper reported on Monday. The declaration by Sheikh Abdel Hamid al-Atrash, who heads Al-Azhar University's committee for fatwas or...
  20. katie tully

    Ok PC Police, you've had your fun,23599,24539150-5007133,00.html G Leonard should be suing Ben Ford right now. He's not a paedophile. He's an advocate.