Search results

  1. J

    Kath and Kim

    Kath and Kim are back yay! on thursday who was able to watch the hour of it? if you missed it, it was a repeat of the last 2 episodes to get us back for the next season
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    What are u up 2?

    hey i was just wandering where is everyone up to with biology in class? just to see if our class is behind or not
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    Living Religion

    Hey everyone i was wandering does anyone have the book living religion 2nd edition? i am writing a bibliography and i need the details if someone could provide them it would be greatly appreciated thanks :)
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    2 quick questions when you say a person becomes a rabbi are they ordained? or is it something else? also, what is the difference between status in the tradition and gender roles?
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    Monkeys, Prosimians, Apes

    hey everyone i am trying to get my information together for an assessment and i have looked everywhere for info on the following bits: Vision: old monkeys, new monkeys, apes Brain: old monkeys, new monkeys, prosimians Vertebral column: old monkeys, new monkeys if someone...
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    trial papers

    Hey does anyone have any trial papers or half yearlies that i could practice with i have printed the ones off the main page...any others would be great thanks :)
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    rank and uai

    Hey everyone!! whilst in looking at this forum and predicted uais many are in the top 10 for at least 3 of their subjects (assuming more than 10 in a class) if this happens does a person necessarily get a uai above 80??
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    hey everyone i am doing an assessment on women and i am talking about gender inclusive/exclusive language, i was wandering if anglicanism has gender inclusive language??
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    UNSW maths enrichment question

    hey everyone my brother is in year 8 and he cannot find out these answers maybe with your mathematical minds you could figure this out: a) 35^2004 b)16^2004 c) 67^2005 thanks :)
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    UNSW maths enrichment question

    hey everyone my brother is in year 8 and he cannot find out these answers maybe with your mathematical minds you could figure this out: a) 35^2004 b)16^2004 c) 67^2005 thanks :)
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    dot point 3.5.2

    Hey everyone i just realised that our teacher didnt give us any info on this dot point and i was wandering if someone could help me out here describe and explain the immune response in the human body in terms of: - the mechanisms that allow interaction between B and T lymphocytes i...
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    problems with logging in

    hey i am having problems logging into SAM it doesnt recognise my password or user name although i can log into the forums alright is this a problem for anyone else?
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    Hey everyone is it just me or has anyone noticed a new trend happening in the music industry with guys writing songs and other women fighting back e.g. i dont wanna know-mario winans i dont wanna know rmx-some chic dont want u back- eamo f**k you right back -frankee in the...
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    dot point 4.1.1 - simple model for polypeptide synthesis

    Hey i am not quiet sure what to put under this dot point: perform a first-hand investigation or process information from secondary sources to develop a simple model for polypeptide synthesis thanks
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    analysing a newspaper article

    how is this correctly done? can someone give me an outline of what to do
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    raw marks and SAM

    Hey everyone by typing in your raw marks into sam and not the aligned ones does it make an effect on your UAI??? if it does how do you make an estimation on your aligned marks? thanks
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    a little help

    hey everyone i have to write an essay i have to refer to seamus heaney does this mean all of his poems or just that are relevant to the essay thanks
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    lectures: business and law

    with business and law are there many night lectures a uws?
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    Year 10: essential info

    Sydney University Marketing and Student Recruitment Unit will again host its popular and free June information evenings for year 10 students seeking guidelines in choosing their hsc subjects as well as advising students about subject choices to meet uni selection criteria, pre requistes and...
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    play school and parents

    recently play school had shown a same sex couple (two females) that took there daughter to a circus or something many people believe that this is not a good idea from play school whilst others think it was relevant as some children might see this situation at play group, etc i...