Search results

  1. sukiyaki

    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Semester 1 2007 Buy and Sell Thread Selling: (prices can be negociated) bba213 - marketing channels by anne t coughlan $25 bba111 - organisational behaviour on the pacific rim by mcshane $15 bba102 - contemporary management third edition by Jones/george $15 accg201 - management by...
  2. sukiyaki

    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Semester 1 2007 Buy and Sell Thread Selling bba213 bba203 bba111 bba102 accg201 buying: accg355 and bba313
  3. sukiyaki

    A Question about BBA213

    yup basically what prusso said i can say most of time it goes under 2 hours when i did it, you had to know a minimum of 4 case studies so you dont have to know all of them people usually just do a swap with each other for case studies which makes things easier.
  4. sukiyaki

    changing degrees

    theres is a sticky thread that refers to the question
  5. sukiyaki

    Enrolments for semester 2

    -_- i mentioned in the second post it was 19th so yes its open for a while now
  6. sukiyaki

    The 'What are these units like?' Thread- 2007

    has anyone done bba320 or geos311?
  7. sukiyaki

    Enrolments for semester 2

    ehh its says 19th of july read! ADD UNITS HERE FROM 19TH OF JULY
  8. sukiyaki

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    try for a waiver though the chances are unlikely.
  9. sukiyaki

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    cant believe e student didnt go nuts im more surprised about that then my results
  10. sukiyaki

    When do we get out results?

    thanks PwarYuex!
  11. sukiyaki

    When do we get out results?

    Would anyone be able to tell me if you did supp exams will lit be out at the same time?
  12. sukiyaki

    When 'shopping' at fashion clothing stores....

    me too, sometimes when its not busy i love chatting with the customers.
  13. sukiyaki


    even though it sound strict, dont hurt to try yeh? good luck with it! im sure you do fine in your exam
  14. sukiyaki

    Vent about exam time here

    im sick god damnit best time to get sick. *rants* and it does not help that i have 3 exams in a row (2 on thursday and 1 on friday)
  15. sukiyaki


    urm was it INOV101 or something i cant remember do you think they will offer this unit again in the winter ?
  16. sukiyaki

    Applause for the gayest student name at all time...

    most horrid name ever. what were they thinking?
  17. sukiyaki

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    poor lynn ;_; you making me wanna try those ..too is the manager the one thats always looks pissed? lol
  18. sukiyaki

    Final Exam Timetable out!

    no changes :( i have like 10 day wait till next exam. 3 exams in a row (two in one day and one the next morning)
  19. sukiyaki

    Mm I email my lecturer about this last semester because i had dilemma like yours, the reply was something like "at this stage is unclear but will depend on your overall mark" so You might need really good marks to be okay, email the lecturer. Usually missing two tutorials is okay though. what...
  20. sukiyaki

    SMH: 'Police to hunt for missing [MQ] uni funds'

    :O interesting i wanna see what happens next. Hope its goodbye MA!