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  1. FCB

    Quick way to improve english marks

    I just got my marks back today and i was quite beat up by them =( English just takes that much out of me (time consuming) and the marks are still poor, Time wouldnt be an issue if i did okay but i spend the same amout of time as most people and they end up with 95% and i end up with 70% (in...
  2. FCB

    'assess current developments in the use of biopolymers'

    What exactly do they want.?. Recent developments. It kind of makes no sense IMHO This is part of the 2002 paper so maybe they wont ask for something like this. Do they want the uses such as shampoo bottles etc I'm on my phone and am away from home so I dont have a computer and thus this will...
  3. FCB

    Chemistry Dot Point Template

    Does anyone have one that isnt filled out that they can send to me. Maybe i can send you a few dollars on PayPal in exchange. I Just CBF to go and copy down the DP from the BOS website.
  4. FCB

    Practical Exam

    How are you supposed to study for prac exams? Thanks Regards, FCB
  5. FCB

    Chemistry help

    A 5.00 gr of a unknown compound contains 1.86g C, .39g H and 2.75g of Cl. Write the empirical formula I tried dividing the 1.86/0.39 but it came out with 4.7.... I thought this might give me the ratio but it hasn't helped
  6. FCB

    'Electrical energy in the home' Past papers

    Does anyone have a vast array of question for the 'Electiral energy in the home' core module?
  7. FCB

    Where is the thread that has...

    Where is that thread that had some Youtube link. It was something along the lines of keeping organised and it was a lecture. It was a stickied thread and now i cant find it. EDIT: I decided to put it into the Prelim section because i am doing my prelims - Sorry if its majorly wrong. Thanks in...
  8. FCB

    5.2 syllabus doing 2 Unit

    Would it kill me. I am willing to try and everything, But maths isnt exactly my strong point.
  9. FCB

    Where can i download a copy of the Cambridge 2 U maths

    ? Or can someone sell me a copy (I have posted a thread in the Buy/Sell section already, But no one is replying) Sorry if i am a hassle.