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  1. zannaz

    Timetables Are Out!

    I logged on and my timetable i guess they're out now!
  2. zannaz

    help! timetable crap

    To get your timetable during O-week go to the student office (located on the botton floor of carslaw). They only let you print your timetable once and only if you haven't checked it on the net already (they have some way of knowing apparently). To change timetables during O-Week they usually...
  3. zannaz

    member card question

    You can also go to the CONTACT Information desks found on Level 3 Wentworth and Foyer Level Holme Building where you can get the member card and/or Diaries amongst other things!!!
  4. zannaz

    What are you doing first sermesster?

    MKTG3001 - Marketing Research 2 IBUS2001 - International Business Strategy WMST2004 - Sex, Violence & Transgression SCLG2520 - Sociological Theory
  5. zannaz

    i no this sounds vain but...

    Having lived in the west for 15 yrs(rooty hill/Mt druitt/blacktown) i can say that compared to other areas it is not the best place to live with crime and unemployment rates being of higher proportion , but on the other hand its not as band as people make it out to be! Its not like you will be...
  6. zannaz


    The Usyd one is different...that was last years diary!
  7. zannaz

    anyone else with too much time work out there timetable already?

    I had some time before work yesterday to do my 'ideal' timetable. I'm pretty sure that i can have a 3day week mon-wed which i'm really stoked about but thats beacuse in arts/com you probably only get 10-15hrs!
  8. zannaz

    5 hours of ecmt1010????!!!!

    Looking at past exam papers for the MKTG3001 - Marketing Research II, from the library website, you'd need some good grounding in statistics to pass the unit beacuse it contains stuff like regression and coefficients etc... that you learn in ecmt1010. I'm in the same boat as you. I didn't do...
  9. zannaz

    Enrolment Variations Ready!

    I'm trying to add on a unit, but ahh the system won't let me for no apparent reason. I'll keep trying thoughh!!!
  10. zannaz

    What is your current favourite song?

    I heart The Dears despite the lead singers' "if morrissey is god, i am jesus " comment. got to love the lack of modesty. Currently listening to: The Jesus and Mary Chain - 'Everything's Alright When You're Down'
  11. zannaz

    Bright Eyes coming!

    Got my tickets for bright eyes a few weeks ago for the Metro show on April 2nd. Conor Oberst is no Bob Dylan, but great nonetheless. ...and i saw Architecture in Helsinki open Belle & Sebastian, they were good but for me you can't top belle and sebastian, they were too good on that night!
  12. zannaz

    Enrolment Variations Ready!

    I just checked on myuni and it seems that enrolment variations can be made now. Remember only 20 variations can be made, so try not to be so indecisive LOL!
  13. zannaz

    How To: Check how many hours of tuts/lecs youll have.

    UOS = Unit Of Study code. i.e ECON1001, ENGL1025, BIOL1011 etc
  14. zannaz

    Tute Groups

    Yeah u can always try cram it in if you wish so, i always try to get the minimum days possible, the way it usually works is that you go to the Timetable Changing rooms during O-week or first week back (get in early people before classes fill up). When there you tell them you want a three day...
  15. zannaz

    How To: Check how many hours of tuts/lecs youll have.

    Another way to find out how many hours you and also when your lectures and tutes could be held then go to: 1. MyUni 2. Go to My Study 3. Scroll to bottom and click on Timetable Unit 4. Choose 'Find the timetable for a particular unit' 5. Enter UOS Code and then the lecture/tute/lab times...
  16. zannaz

    Tute Groups

    In most cases you HAVE t go to your assigned classes, especially if group work or class participation is part of you assessment!. Also where attendance is mandatory then yes roles do get marked! tutes are chosen for you, but timetable changes can be made in the first 2 weeks!
  17. zannaz

    The Smiths

    I'm a big Morrissey fan and an even bigger Smiths fan!!! If only Johnny Marr and Morrissey would kiss and make up, perhaps they can get back together....but thats wishful thinking! 'The Queen is Dead' and 'Meat is Murder' are regulars in my record player....classic albums. 'Heavens Know...
  18. zannaz

    handsome boy modelling school

    The 'norah jones' type girl you speak of is indie songstress Cat Power aka Chan Marshall...and she is by no means anything like Norah Jones, she's been around for ages! Anyway the album is good! The song with Alex Kapranos, and the song with Chan Marshall are the standout tracks!!!
  19. zannaz

    The Shins

    The Shins were uber-good last night, exceeding all expectations. Dappled Cities Fly opened. i've seen them live a few times already and the rarely dissapoint. They played most of the songs from their debut 'A Smile'. Being a big Mazzy Star fan i was excited to see The Redsunband play afetr...
  20. zannaz

    Does anyones webct work?

    The Economics and Business Faculty don't use your ecop, ecmt and mktg units would all be on Blackboard. However, blackboard isn't up and running until the first wk of semester.