Search results

  1. zannaz

    Employer Presentations

    No not many first years but i don't see the harm of going, as long as you are allowed. Its intended for people in their final years. for the next two months, final year student will attend career fairs, presentations and interviews in the hope of getting employment when they graduate or...
  2. zannaz

    Blackboard passwords

    For continuing students we just use our eco+bus passwords. sorry i don't about new students Blackboard has a list of all the subjects you are enrolled for in semester, that are part of eco+bus faculty. Your lecturers will put up course outline, lecture notes, documents, assignments and...
  3. zannaz


    You have to wait until next week to get them. You won't even be using them until second week, as the first lecture is mainly an introduction to the subject about assesments, marking, course work etc... The course material for acct1001 last year was a booklet of lecture notes for the first...
  4. zannaz

    Timetables are out!

    No worries!
  5. zannaz

    Timetables are out!

    Woohoo 3 days p/w!!! Toodulu YES you can change it. There are limited changes available on MyUni, but since you and i are part of eco+bus we get the benefit of the student info office at merewether, where they take the time and effort to make your timetable as good as possible! (e.g on MyUni...
  6. zannaz


    A lists of texts can be found at the Coop bookship stores if you go there in person. Or online at The other places to get them are the SRC Second hand boosktore on level 5 of Wentworth or by having a look around the uni notice boards for students selling texts!
  7. zannaz


    if you are referring to econ1001, acct1001 or ecmt1010, you don't choose a stream. You get put into one by the faculty!
  8. zannaz

    USYD Diaries

    Diaries will be available during O-Week. Also they are available at any contact desk at Wentworth or Manning, but you must show your Student ID card and you get the showbag with the Diary inside (go before they run out) Alternatively go to the Old Teachers College Assembly Hall, where...
  9. zannaz

    Pete Murray

    I'm taking my close friend to his sold out gig at the Metro on Friday 26th. I'm not a big fan, but she is so much in love with him, to the point of obsessiveness, so i got her tickets...
  10. zannaz

    faculty welcome

    I'm going to be there as Student volunteer, I'll be giving first years tours and advice etc. It would be a good thing to go, you get to meet people and get to know the eco+bus faculty in depth...
  11. zannaz


    aah it was great. I saw salma Hayek up close, almost touched her lol! Oh yes confessions of an animation was my favourite of the night, though the winner was awesome too! Had a Krispe Kreme too haha, friggen good and champagne, bicardis and watermelons!
  12. zannaz

    Anyone Get In?

    Career options include Research, journalism, business, government/politics, diplomacy(UN) and Psychology etc Some even go further and become lecturers/professers.
  13. zannaz

    Reading Booklets?

    During the first couple of weeks there will be a large board outside the copy centre that has a list of all the subjects that require you to buy readers/study guides/workbooks etc and the price. The lecturers often tell you, and it will say in your course outline, which is given to u in your...
  14. zannaz

    how many hours a week.

    I 'm doing 14 hours with 24 cp's this semester and 17 in semester 2 with 30cp's! I think the lack of hours in comparison to science and engineering is compensated by a tonne load of reading i have to do before tutes :(
  15. zannaz

    Did you get mailed a "big adventure"?

    yeah he was walking around uni naked handing out fliers asking for people to vote for him during the SRC elections. Suffice to say he did not win, so all that nakedness was for nothing but increase his notoriety, especially with the opposite sex LOL!!!
  16. zannaz

    The Musical Acquisition Thread

    Went CD shooping last week, and i finally got 'Logic Will Break Your Heart' by The Stills. I also got 'Boy Da Corner' Dizzee Rascal, one of a few rap albums in my record collection along with Beastie Boys, OutKast and The Streets! And after searching for ages i got a hold of 'Dirty' by Sonic...
  17. zannaz

    tencious d rock!

    omg i just made a fool of myself. Yeah it's actually Frank Black not Jack Black. Oops!
  18. zannaz

    Pool tables

    Level 5 at Wentworth, next to the 2nd Hand Bookshop. I don't know about the cost! The Pool tables are inside Manning bar! on the top level!
  19. zannaz


    I'm doing Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Commerce (2nd Yr) Sem 1 ACCT1002 Accounting 1B MKTG1001 Marketing Principles ECON1001 Introductory Microeconomics FRNC1101 French Intro 1 Sem 2 INFS1000 Business Info Syst Foundations GOVT1011 Australian Politics MKTG1002 Marketing Research 1...
  20. zannaz

    wat 2 electives did ppl pick for commerce?

    i chose mktg1001 and 1002.