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  1. L

    Really high final hsc marks

    Im coming 4th in Economics at a good selective school.. I topped the trials and half yearly, and am hoping for a hsc mark in the high 90s. My raw mark is 87. Do I have any hope of getting like 96-97 for my final HSC mark?? NOte- the difference between the top 5 is very very small.
  2. L

    RANKS ARE DEAD, What should I DO??

    just kill the hsc......youre bound do get in the mid 90s or more..
  3. L


    nice thanks a lot
  4. L


    i was talking about top 20 out of selective schools...prolly top 30 overall
  5. L


    Can you tell me pleeeease? rank 1 to 5 in all .
  6. L

    what uai would these marks get

    Final HSC marks English Adv.- 92 English Ext. - 90 Maths 2u - 94 Economics - 97 Ancient His. - 96 Ext. History - 94 99+???
  7. L

    Sorry but can someone answer this question?

    in james ruse a person below avergae will still get a uai over 99.
  8. L

    UAI prediction please

    80 sefton is a selective school right?
  9. L

    syd students

    usyd facilities were a bit dodgy and the engineering students were a bit wacko.
  10. L

    Ok people....i need some important info!

    multiculturalism can be good or bad by asians are including indians etc. as well?
  11. L

    could i break 83 for a UAI?

    why do public schools suck so much?
  12. L

    Ok people....i need some important info!

    yeh..thatd be one of my primary reasons for going to sydney. nsw is multicultural sydney has a lotta aussies macq has heaps of asians and indians (+lankans etc.) uts has a lotta asians take your pick
  13. L

    can i get 99.3

    wont those raw marks get scaled a little. we did the catholic trials by the way.
  14. L

    can i get 99.3

    yeh thats about right thanks for that
  15. L

    Ok people....i need some important info!

    sydney has the best chicks..nuff said
  16. L

    can i get 99.3

    yup...looks alright then wat would i need in the overall hsc marks??