im doing like 6-8hrs a day and im goin for high 90s. it really depends on your ability and how much u already know..i mean if you studied hard during the trials you shouldnt need to study as much as someone who didn't. but yeh 6+ is pretty good.
the difficulties vary...the 1995 hsc paper was the easiest one of the easiest papers in decades. it doesnt really matter really..cos evry1 is doing the same test. rank matters......
in america the demand for economists is apparently low at the moment.
But the demand is still thriving in Europe...and i dont think its too different here. The economy is everywhere....thus we need answering your question- i dont think its hard..but it depends on how...
Postmodernism is a horrible concept- its so challenges authority and elitism yet it itself is an authority and elitist. Its only means something for bloody uni professors and useless arts students. Instead of solving the worlds problems its just adding to them with meaningless crap.
hey iambored
i got the same many others i think...stupid little mistakes!!
what i try to do now is take each question slowly...check the answer makes sense...or just keep looking back at your working.
in the hsc..focus on each question- keep telling yourself to focus. its...