Hey guys,
I know we have multiple talented essay writers in BoS, so I thought maybe you guys could attach some of your best pieces here. It will be well appreciated.
Hey guys,
I am having trouble with this question:
Determine the magnitude and direction of 2i in exact form. I have attempted it and the magnitude is 2, but when I tried to calculate the direction I got 0 and the answer is 90.
Hey guys,
I need help with the following questions:
1) The magnitude of the vector (x y) is 6 and its direction is 150 degrees. Find the exact values of x and y
2) Vector (a b) has magnitude 4 and its direction is 300 degrees. Find the exact values of a and b.
Hey guys i am having trouble with the following questions:
1) given d2y/dx2=8 and dy/dx=0 and y=3 when x=1, find the equation of y in terms of x.
2) The tangent to a curve with d2y/dx2= 2x-4 makes an angle of inclination of 135 with the x-axis at the point (2,-4). Find the equation
3) A...
Hey guys, there is a question about integration that I am having trouble with. It goes like this
A function has dy/dx= 4cos(2x) and passes through the point (pi/6, 2sqrt3). Find the exact equation of the function.
I know that y=2sin(2x) + C, but I don't know how to solve for C. Please help
Hey guys, i am doing English standard and for I did Billy Elliot for the common module. Do you guys have any notes or good resources that I could use? Thanks
Hey guys,
So my goal is to get a 91+ ATAR and I am lacking the motivation to push myself. Do you guys have any tips in regards to building your motivation? My cohort don't push themselves to their full potential and I feel like I am getting influenced by them, do you guys have any tip to stop...