Search results

  1. C

    semester 1 exam results!

    I didnt really have much of a life last semester :p number theory was the best maths subject that i have done at uni :D fractals was also pretty good, a lot easier than number theory. Great marks by the way, looks like you are killing the maths :eek:
  2. C

    exams, yo

    nice.. I have gone disgracefully pathetic so far. :rofl: but oh well.. 2 more to go - last exams ever for me
  3. C

    Estimated UAI?

    stick with the HSC. if you can handle an accelerated first year uni course then you can certainly do well in the HSC :). There isn't really anything to be gained by not completing the HSC except a few months extra leisure time which you will get more than enough at uni anyway.
  4. C

    Anzac Day

    yeah, sleep in was awesome! Now it is time for uni work though :(
  5. C

    Careers Expo, 2 April

    I broke my yoyo about 10 minutes after getting it. it is now in a few hundred pieces on my floor
  6. C

    Careers Expo, 2 April

    rulers and pens :D.. should be a good chance to scam some stuff
  7. C

    Hows it going?

    newcastle is adequate.
  8. C

    O-Week is wet!!

    I might join frat this year, being my final year and all.. haven't made it to o week this year though :(
  9. C

    General Electives

    just don't do what i did and do engineering maths II as an elective :p interesting, easy course but i should have done something less nerdy :)
  10. C

    Rollcall - 2007

    Raeburn was the best for DE's. I did it last year with him. Linear operators is the only maths subject im doing this year as (I'm using up one of my 3rd year maths electives with a 4th year eng subject that I would not have any room for otherwise.) I have already done 4 3rd year maths...
  11. C

    Rollcall - 2007

    damn :( when are they going? that doesnt really leave any senior staff remaining :( I'm gonna be doing linear operators with you btw. I'll see you there
  12. C

    Need some advice on Engineering and CompSc

    not really. But i would recommend edwards hall because there are so many students there you are bound to find a lot of other people in your year doing engineering, as well as students in years above you that can help you with uni work.
  13. C

    Need some advice on Engineering and CompSc

    I can speak about engineering (I'm doing B.eng (civil)/B.math)) I think you should be able to get through first and second year math with a little effort, it's not that bad and there is always help available if you need it (Free maths tutoring is available via the maths clinic) If you are 100%...
  14. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    neither do i :confused: btw, congratulations on graduating :) (well, finishing uni - technically you dont graduate till april)
  15. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    there's nothing for you to be envious about, not with your results :)
  16. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    well done nerds Semester 2 - 2006 CIVL3160 Reinforced Concrete Design 86 HD CIVL4450 Water Engineering 78 D MATH2600 Mathematical Software 89 HD MATH3180 Topology 75 D MATH3720 Topics in Applicable Math 85 HD
  17. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    WAM >= 77 translates to free beers. There is a function held once a year (usually july i think??) where you get free academic transcripts and certificates and they present the super nerds with medals.. it's a good night, don't miss it.
  18. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    knowing engineers, probably not. Maths faculty is damn stingy :p a letter is all they give us
  19. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    engineering - dean's merit list. awesome night
  20. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    If my WAM manages to stay afloat you can come along with me and drink all you can drink and eat all you can eat and just be dickheads like we were this year