Search results

  1. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    i dreamed about my marks last night. According to my dream, my WAM will drop by 0.62 :( .. could drop by more though
  2. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    6:32pm for me (that includes 3 hours of time wasted on trying at work)
  3. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    smart people in this thread?... no way :p now, to post something constructive, here is the link that you all will hit a thousand times a minute starting from 1:50pm monday: Any bets on how long it will take to get results this year? I will be...
  4. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    I really liked game theory, I wish that they offered a whole course in it. I wasn't too much of a fan of the other parts of topics though. what the hell is dynamical symbolics anyway?. . .moving symbols?? sounds kind of interesting/hard
  5. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    you didn't like applicable? :p.. i think i must have been the only one in the class who liked it. what summer research are you doing?
  6. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    how did you find that out?? I was really worried that i failed linear alg. last year..
  7. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    gone one (eng) result back today via my inside sources.. fuckin HD yeah!.. came 2nd in the course which was pretty fuckin surprising
  8. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    Re: Sem 2 2007 results how did you get your surveying & comps marks so early? nice marks/estimated marks btw.
  9. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    maybe if you put that kind of passion into the course you would have liked it more :p
  10. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    mrbassman should take note of that :p
  11. C

    Sem 2 2006 results

    Re: Sem 2 2007 results maths software: HD applicable maths: D topology: P :p water eng: D concrete design: C/D I would not be too happy with those marks .. hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised though.
  12. C

    Bi Annual Exam Thread

    yeah, fuckin finished! ... shit semester.
  13. C

    Bi Annual Exam Thread

    pretty good :), need 2.5/40 to pass. I'm not going to be able to make much of an effort in the final exam though - i will be burnt out from topology.
  14. C

    Bi Annual Exam Thread

    start tomorrow. finish tuesday. 4 exams. fuck. you done?
  15. C

    Looking to go to U.Newcastle

    nope, still doing assignments :(
  16. C

    Looking to go to U.Newcastle

    1. pretty good social life, there is plenty of stuff to do around campus 2. IH is pretty good. i'd say you would have a very good chance of getting in there. 3. not very gnarly - gets slightly less easy in second year though.
  17. C

    Subway: Coming soon!

    david pask teaches topology, he is pretty good. Topology is a Pretty good/hard subject. 4th assignment for topics looks pretty shit as usual.
  18. C

    I submitted for Teds

    Damn you selective bastards, too good for me to get in there :p Definitely the case :rofl:, I even hear that they are banning water on campus next year
  19. C

    Subway: Coming soon!

    yeah it's a bitch, but at least i have my weakest subject (topology) first, then the exam after that is topics which i shouldn't really have to study much for at all (i hope). I wish they'd hurry up and put our 3rd quiz results up :burn:
  20. C

    Subway: Coming soon!

    yeah it's a bitch, but at least i have my weakest subject (topology) first, then the exam after that is topics which i shouldn't really have to study much for at all (i hope). I wish they'd hurry up and put our 3rd quiz results up :burn: