Search results

  1. lcf

    If you could have a statue...

    We have joy the prostitute, asylum wants to have a tentacle monster with a hello kitty head - if you could have a statue dedicated to you on the grounds - what would it be? I would probably want just a heap of hardware stacked in a pile, draped/covered in film reels and cds and shiny surfaces...
  2. lcf

    nerd infestation in the atrium

    i was bored - and a friend and I were making up captions for the 'gamers' in a gallery we came across this is - i thought it looked terribly familiar - it's the Atriums. They have LANs in the atrium? I had no clue - looks pretty cool though heheh however rocking up with an Apple laptop would...
  3. lcf

    Tina & Emma's Library Adventure Some fellow vimeo-ers decided to run around our library and this is what they came up with (even though they should have been studying hahaha) Insane!
  4. lcf

    ARTS100 - death to multiple choice

    yet another procrastination/ranty/whiny thread :P who here has to do the ARTS100 exam and what do you think about the multiple choice component? Most people love multiple choice, as it is easy to piack the answer ie two obvioulsy wrong, and two that could be right, but one stands out ie...
  5. lcf

    Grumpy Exam Women

    I thought the ones in the HSC were bad - our were so cranky and anti-student - it was amusing in one aspect, and annoying in an other - pretty much accusing us of everythign before we had even started! (This was for MAS104) Some people forgot their ID and they would make the joke 'You are a...
  6. lcf

    Go to Disneyland!

    Macquarie International is offering you the opportunity to live and work in Disneyland! As part of the Disney World College Program you will earn money, earn credit and experience working life in one of the world's most successful companies. Working as a greeter, a driver, a dressed-up...
  7. lcf

    Exam Munchies

    I just had an IM from a friend 'Do you think there would be any MacDonalds open atm?' This arrived just as I was demolishing a pack of Jubes (my fav 'brain endurance' food) What do you like to eat when you are studying/cramming/proof reading really tedious essays? I just find chewing away on...
  8. lcf

    The meaning behind your avatar

    Yes, another procrastination thread! What is the meaning behind the choice of your avatar? For me, it is the FCP logo - and since I do media and like videos, it is kind of fitting :P
  9. lcf

    MUS100 Stress

    Ok This is my little thread for those who know that MUS100 is going to be a pretty easy exam f you know your terms, but you can't help but stres but cause it is a uni exam (not to mention my first uni eam) Any tips for calomin gdown - I know I am going to do alright - just nervous as...
  10. lcf

    FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! (well not really)

    How annoying were the fire alarms today - one went off around 11.00am at the X end of the uni, and yet another one including evacuation and fire brigade attendance at the building behind E7B (some sort of chemistry lab) Did anyone else get caught up in the mess and confusion today?
  11. lcf

    W6A Elevators

    Is it just me, or do they get really shaky between floors 6-8 and also if descending from a high floor, it shakes around floors 2 - 1 - especially the one on the left (when viewing from outside) Or maybe I am just paranoid and imagining things heh
  12. lcf

    What does your desk look like?

    Post a pic, or a video, of what your desk looks like at home - just interesting to see if Club Mac peeps are tidy, messy or, insane. Here is my 'interpretive' video portrait of my workspace at home - I take no responsibility for using the Madonna song - was playing in the background, so I...
  13. lcf

    We are on the ABC!!!

    Well, maybe if we owned the ABC, it might look a little bit like this... yes, I realize i could have probably done readings or made notes or whatever during the time it took to make this, but meh, I needed a break so I decided within 30 minutes, I would create something topical relating to...
  14. lcf

    Wireless for Nerds

    Hello all This idea was derived from BBQ Rabbits. What are your thoughts, questions or opinions about the campus network. So far, I have found that there is either a great signal, or a crap signal - nothing in between. Also, what speeds have you hit? I have hit only a max of 90Kbs I am...
  15. lcf

    If you could change one thing...

    about Macquarie Univeristy, what would it be? for me, a better lettering system for the buildings ie - shopping centre direction, not the shopping centre direction hehe oh and more power points!
  16. lcf

    CUL100 Assessment Due Date

    There is an assignment due on the 21st April, in the middle of the mid semester break. How does this work? Is it a mistake or do we have to come to uni in the holiday to submit the work.
  17. lcf

    Power Points for Nerds thread

    Does anyone know of any good locations on campus that: a) have a good wireless network signal b) have a 240V socket nearby I know the uni rules say there are no 'charging facilities' but there are bound to be power points around. I guess this thread is a list of powerpoints around the place...
  18. lcf

    First Year Mentor Website

    A few days ago, the Univeristy started a website and forum dedicated to first year students. Academics and mentors will answer any questions on the site so it might be worth checking out if you can't get an answer here or whatever check it out :P
  19. lcf

    Macquarie Email question

    Hello tonight i finally was able to log into MyMQ - I now have my email etc through the 'messenger' thing provided online. It reminds me a lot of the Hotmail system (web based) What i want to know, can i set up my Mail application to treat my MQ account like it does my ISP account - ie use an...
  20. lcf

    Spicks & Specks 2006

    Awesome show! This week it was the gay guy who always appears on Rove and an operatic singer (i am lost for names, missed for few minutes) The great thing about this show, is that it can appeal to everyone, as discussed by Adam - the questions and humour have a wide and limitless audience)...