Hello all
who is doing screen production/music etc???
should be fun - i wonder what the stereotypes will be like for this group :P
hope to see you guys around campus
Just a random and fun survey to see who has digital and what flavor
channel 4 rocks - nevr have to search for tv guide again - although the elevator muzak is annoying. The SBS weather thingo on 33 is mad - the music is cool
It seems only Ch9 broadcasts surround sound stuff, except for 7 and...
HOw do you think you went?
In my exam - the supervisors phone went off, and they started tapping away to hound dog, led zepplin from memory.
GAH - how annoying was the tension question!!!
you call that music - yick!
I have a DLINK DSL604+ Router and my neighbours have just got wireless. Trying to figure out how to specify a WEP key for it so it requires a password to join the network. ATM any laptop near by can get online and so forth. ANyone been able to decipher the dlink manual or know what to do?
What brand of laptop do you want for uni and why?
Apple PowerBook 15" for me :D
I do heaps of video and audio work, so a fast Apple laptop for on the go will compliment my PowerMac setup. Also, the new dual layer burner and ability to edit uncompressed HD video and the DVI/HD output is...