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  1. H

    Super 14 thread

    The tahs actually stand a really good chance to win this year. They've been playing well, apart from their loss a couple days ago, and they actually have a strong team. I guess we'll see how they go against the Hurricanes though...
  2. H

    Privatisation of Souths.

    No, but money keeps a team afloat, which is what they needed right now. With Crowe in charge, they can probably afford the coach and training needed to become a fighting force in the league.
  3. H

    U-19 World Champions!!!,44130.html/section/21893 Awesome stuff! :D Looks like it was a really close game right up to the final bit, which is always incredible to watch. Way to go boys!
  4. H

    Chess thread

    Does anyone here play chess? Chess is undoubtedly my favorite non-sports related game. I've played since I was about 4 or 5 years old. Usually I just play on the internet now, since I can't find anyone to play with me in real life. My school has a chess club but it mostly consists of mentally...
  5. H

    Well, I was completely wrong about Gillespie

    I agree that he isn't definitely back on the side. However, this will help him get another chance. If he had messed this one up, or even simply played at an average level, we would never see him back on the team. If he does well in the next ashes series I think he'll have permanently re-gained...
  6. H

    Protein Shakes

    You're supposed to take more when working out, and I believe you actually need 90g of it. That's if I remember Year 9 science properly ;) It is expensive, I've seen some canisters for over $50, but as was mentioned above you don't want to simply go for a cheap kind. On top of not working...
  7. H

    Well, I was completely wrong about Gillespie

    And either way, the Aussies declared after he got his 201st, so it's not as though it would have been much different with anyone else. Given as Gillespie came in after being dropped for over 6 months, I think he needed this. It did take him a long time, if I remember right his century was from...
  8. H

    Well, I was completely wrong about Gillespie

    Haha I am actually female, and new here, as I'm sure you can tell since I posted this in the wrong thread ;) Hussey has been playing reaaly well, yeah! It's too bad he had to wait so long for his big chance to be on the team, but he's making good of it.
  9. H

    Well, I was completely wrong about Gillespie

    After the ashes I could have sworn he'd never see another test match after the ashes. I had enormous doubts of his ability when I heard he was going to play against Bangladesh. Yet I was proven wrong, he came out with something to prove. Now's the time to come clean: who else could have...
  10. H

    Cricket more predictable?

    ^^ That's partly true. When I first got into cricket, about 3 or 4 years ago, we were dominating. No one could beat us, etc, etc, etc. Now that the players are aging, and there's no young superstars to replace them, Australian cricket is worsening. It was bound to happen sometime, and it looks...
  11. H


    I played it about 6 or 7 years ago, but got cut from my high school team, and never played it since. :( It is fun though, I agree.
  12. H

    Cricket more predictable?

    Yeah, 20/20 cricket is ruining it. People just don't have as much of an attention span to watch test matches as often I guess. Tests are still really unpredictable. Who would have guesse Aust would lose the ashes?
  13. H

    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    Damn rain... anyways, it was a real good effort. Anyone know how old Phil Jaques is? Looks about 50.
  14. H

    Official MLB thread

    Nah, go Blue Jays :P
  15. H

    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    Yeah, this'll wake the team up for sure. Gilly's stuff was hilarious! Made me laugh for a good 5 minutes at least.