And those people probably say the same thing as you say? Like I know the person who knows someone who says.... that he hears from.... that 15' is very unlikely but possibly true???
This article is totally rubbish! It doesn't even specifically point out how and where the paper was hard. For Christ' sake, Just give everyone another half an hour and we'll be all done and even have 20' to check again all the questions!
The way they put that 'impossible' is sooo 'dramatic'...
Re: [-- Official 2008 HSC Chemistry Pre-exam Study Thread --]
Well done! I'm allergic to both of them!:cold:
1. Filtration is one of the physical steps that is expanded along the whole process. At the first place when water is drawn into the system, it goes through depth filters. They...
You're pretty sex-possesive. Anyway, your're lucky that you can start doing whatever on earth you want to. But I really prefer to have at least one test so I can make amend. Stuffing up things in a few short days is worse than drinking berberin without water!
Lolz. 21st, if it even existed! It's a joke but it's be sweet to be true. I have a whole week to study. I don't need a state ranking or want it. I just don't want to make any mistake in the exam like what I've done so far. It's terribly crap to see the work of 13 yr studying ending up with some...
I wasn't worried at all before my exams until the last night leading up to each and then 15' before them. After that: sobbed, screamed, slept, refreshed.
Well, nothing I can do now. Just prepare to nail Chem. That's it. Feeling pretty good. At least I can start studying French, playing...
See you at USyd then. Did you do STAT? I'm having it 2 days after Chem. Now I have a week to study for both of them. lolz.
Seemingly things are going upwards for me. So pathetic at English, then stuffed in Bio, less tedious in Mx2 and hopefully 90+ raw for Mx1. At this speed, I'm really...
Are you sure just the first part? I mean, I did read somewhere about how, if I do right according to what I do wrong, my marks will still be counted for the consequent parts. I'm just not sure if all the markers will apply it (tho it's what the Board of Studies policy says).
Noobtron: That's quite pathetic but you'll get band e2 but possibly e3 if other people find it very hard. However, it's quite unlikely because 23/84 is around the average or under. It really depends on your percentile.
My crisis: in the inverse function question I misread the domain to x>=1
I did everything according to it. Will I lose marks? And if the following parts are to used the results of the previous parts, will I lose marks for them as well tho I'm doing them right with the new domain???
Re: How did you guys go?
What will they do if I misread the question and instead of applying the domain x=<1, I applied x=> 1.
All the other steps are correct, plus, if I use the results of the previous questions to calculate my last one, will it still be counted?
OMG. I'm screwed.
Re: What did you think?
So far, none of the HSC papers I've done is considered 'hard'. They can be, to some extent, much easier than previous years. However, I should say this year papers are VERY ODD!
Re: What did you think?
Congrat! It's the one I should have written! I worked out everything but then wrote down 1:2:1. WTH? :(( Do they still give me mark if I've done everything right but put the final answer wrong?
Shouldn't it be 34650?
Their orders don't matter so with 12, you have 12C4 combinations. With the rest 8, you have 8C4. Multiply, you get 34650. (???)