Macca, I've read quite a few of your posts and as such I think I'm qualified enough to offer you what might be the most useful advice anyone could ever give a person like you:
"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt."
Re: Results
Maybe it's just my tendency to see the worst in people, but am I not alone in thinking that no one genuinely cares about the results anyone else could or will get?
(Thus making this entire thread extremely ironic.)
Racists aren't necessarily idiots. Some people believe that a cohesive society cannot exist where a population has significant cultural/racial disparities. And it's probably true some of the time, e.g; the historic Serb-Croat rivalry.
But to argue that other races are inferior without any real...
I've done neither. I withdrew from ACCG353 in favour of pursuing ACCG352 - Applied Portfolio Management. Nevertheless, here's what I think/know:
- I imagine ACST300 would be the more difficult/useful/boring unit. It'll be useful if you're looking at a financial planning career and you want to...
How do you think an Aboriginal might feel about Anglo-Saxon immigration?
By your logic, all Asians should return to Asia and all Anglo-Saxons (who were/are ultimately also immigrants) should return to Great Britain/Europe.
Continent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The names Oceania...
Australia is a country.
Our continent is Oceania.
Australia is part of Asia;— it's called Australasia:
Australasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japan is our largest trade partner.
Australia *IS* part of Asia, geographically and economically.
Australia is in the midst of a skills...
I agree with your argument, PwarYuex.
I find those "Australia: Love it or leave it!" stickers hilarious. The completely misguided sense of patriotism is astounding.
Certain people I know are quick to attack anything they perceive as 'un-Australian', but those same people couldn't tell you...
There could be multiple reasons:
- You grew up there.
- Your family members reside there.
- Your religion is centered there.
- Your historical heritage is there.
You might only be in Australia because you want better opportunities, but you might still feel completely loyal to your...
- Job opportunities.
- Free democratic society.
- High standard of living.
There is absolutely no reason a person should want to 'be Australian' to justify migrating here. They might simply want any of the things I mentioned above, among others. Australia might just be the best of many...
Why are you being so racist?
Stop trying to single-out international students as a percentage. It's a form of segregation and that's discriminatory, babe!!!
I bet you're the kind of broad that wants an 'international students cafeteria' and a 'domestic students cafeteria', aren't you?
My hints:
- Delete Messenger.
- Cancel your Facebook account.
- Block YouTube.
- Stop browsing threads on BOS. - (Heath Ledger voice: "Why so hypocritical?")
I guarantee it will make your study time more efficient.
Furthermore, for budding accountants, make an effort to thoroughly understand...