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  1. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    I extended my degree by a year so I could work full-time for a year, I'm part-time next semester (two units) then I'm finished. Originally I wanted to do the Finsia degree, but since it was bought by Kaplan, I'm leaning more towards MGSM/MAFC/AGSM for some reason. MGSM has the advantage that...
  2. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    I was planning on doing the CFA and M.App.Fin concurrently as I've been told they cover the same content. Thanks for the advice, Supra;— useful as always!
  3. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    Yeah, you'd think they're both interesting, and they are to an extent. But the difficulty of the content mitigates/kills your interest in it. Most of the people I know failed ACCG329, I was one of the lucky ones who passed first time round. ACCG340 is absolutely mind-numbing. I thoroughly hate...
  4. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    It's interesting and about average difficulty. I was looking forward to the lecture on Energy Commodities/Derivatives this semester, but Stefan replaced it with a presentation on Interest Rate Options instead. Oh well. Our final lecture was a presentation by Stefan on Carbon Trading, which was...
  5. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    I've got FIN310 on the same day, hopeful. *Empathy*
  6. Luke!

    Witness!!! mayday!!!mayday!!!

    Back in 2005 some moronic fucks tried to steal my CalaisTurbo during one of my exams. Luckily, the alarm sounded and scared the pussycats away. I decided never to drive it to university again. After failing to steal my car, they decided to steal another student's RX-7 and succeeded. I feel...
  7. Luke!

    ACCG340 Final Exam.

    I've just finished studying for it. I've got the FIN310 exam on the same day, so I wanted to finish my ACCG340 study early. Study all the content from lectures 5-11, and if you have spare time study the main points of any previous lectures. Structure your study in this order: Read > Summarise...
  8. Luke!

    Witness!!! mayday!!!mayday!!!

    I witnessed the accident. I might be willing to testify in your defense if $500 happens to fall out of your wallet and lands neatly in the pocket my wallet. Muwahahahaha. No, I'm serious. Pay me.
  9. Luke!

    Library Help!!

    I've got ice cream, man. And not only is it ice cream, it's chocolate and it's got chocolate chips in it and chocolate swirls. It's fuckin' crazy, man, you really should see it.
  10. Luke!

    bba102 help

    I did it in Summer School a few years ago. I put in zero effort and was rewarded with a HD.
  11. Luke!

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: Do you like or dislike you tutors and leturers? Macquarie needs more gorgeous female teaching staff. I seriously think I would study harder and attend more lectures if I had some eye-candy to gaze upon. As for individual lectuers/tutors: Marc Lombard;— very charismatic and...
  12. Luke!

    Vent - just like a credit card ad, only different

    Wow, that's atrocious. I hope you've been able to sort it all out. You have my condolences.
  13. Luke!

    Is there a difference between failing and failing?

    Everyone else is incorrect. If you get say 38%, your transcript will state 'Fail'; however, if you get a mark like 3%, it will most certainly state 'EPIC FAIL'.
  14. Luke!

    ACCG340 Group Assignment

    That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's not very clear what they actually require. My advice for the Audit Appraisal is to put yourself in the shoes of the Audit Partner. What are going to be your main concerns immediately prior to commencing the audit? I've written mine along the...
  15. Luke!

    Diploma of Languages

    Thanks, PwarYuex. I'll need to consider doing my Japanese language studies via Macquarie. I noticed they're introducing Arabic too.
  16. Luke!

    ACCG340 Group Assignment

    I think this assignment was terribly designed. It doesn't clearly communicate its central requirements, which leaves you with a load of guesswork to do. Moreover, the amount of reading for it is ridiculous. My time is being wasted doing background-reading, only to find large amounts of it are...
  17. Luke!

    ACCG340 Mid-sem exam.

    I got 60%. I expect the final exam to be easier. How are you guys going with the assignment? I'm working on it now.
  18. Luke!

    What do you like/love about Mq?

    -Trees. -Ducks. -Gorgeous curry girl in my ACCG340 tutorial. -Thai Kiosk. Oh, and the way the campus changes from season to season... bright, warm and green in the summer, leaves fall and crunch under your feet in the autumn, the ivy on the Macq Theatre dies for the winter, groups of...
  19. Luke!

    Women's Room at Macquarie uni

    I think she was being sarcastic.
  20. Luke!

    Women's Room at Macquarie uni

    I demand an equivalent Men's Room, where men can gather and speculate about what *really* happens in the Women's Room.