Hey i was wondering for the pitcher partners interview
Lols, for the role plays, we actually gotta present it in front of everyone? :O!?
And for group discussions, would we be given a scenario and yeah discuss it.
Whose going to the deloitte interview/group session 2moro?
Btw, For deloitte. there is no 2nd round interview/group session right? Since the session is like already 5hrs?
I replied back to Grant Thornton. and dey emailed me bak within 5minutes.
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately you received the email message in error."
Haha, damn thats stupid of dem!
Hmm i dont get grant thornton
I rec'd a rejection letter from Grant Thornton, a couple of days ago
And today, i recieved an email from GT regarding an interview process?
So lost!