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  1. G

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    I got an interview with KPMG next thursday ! im excitedddd =D!!
  2. G

    Billy Elliot.. Notes

    i need notes as wellL!!!!
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    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    Hey, for the application form. i have to attach my school report my school report is like 7-8pages, since theres a page for each subject should i create a PDF? and attach it? but how would i do that!
  4. G

    Need Help - Assessment Task

    Hey guys! I have this business assessment task where we are to launch a new product in the market, an imaginary product of our choice. Any recommendations on what product i could launch? Hence i have to develop a marketing plan for the product
  5. G

    need some halp!!! - marketing plan :(

    hey guys i need help with my marketing assignment we have to launch a new product into the market (an imaginery product) of our choice, and hence develop a marketing plan incorporating strtagies to launch this market what product is highly recommended to launch? bcoz im clueless!
  6. G

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    I was wondering what divisions are there? i know theres tax and audit, but im not sure about the rest. and for tax, what is really your role?
  7. G

    Accounting Cadetship 2008

    Hi im applying for cadetships as well but i dont really have leadership skills nor am i involved in any school activities however 1. i am doing a tvet course for Accounting and has rec'd a distinction in my external exam 2. i have been employed for almost 3 years already in 3 different jobs...
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    Professional Business Cadetships

    you got an interview for a cadetship? what business? is dis for the chartered accountants?
  9. G

    Leni Riefenstahl Essay Questions

    for question a) I said There are two features of Nazi state presented in the photograph. The first feature that is displayed is the Nazi logo called “Swastika”. It is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles and has been presented in the photograph on a flag and a monument. The...
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    Leni Riefenstahl Essay Questions

    thank you :) that was useful i was hoping maybe u would also have the answer to question 3. assess the usefulness of sources just "A, C and D" for an historian in studying the role of Leni in nazi racial propaganda and yadadada
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    So how did your results go in the accounting exam? 90+?
  12. G

    Leni Riefenstahl Essay Questions

    Would anyone have the answers to the book "Individuals in Modern History - Leni and Albert" I am desperately in need of ALL the answers for Source based questions on page 54 related to Leni First question is: 1a) Using sources a and b, list the two events shown in the two photographs and so...
  13. G


    I was wondering, for the accounting exam Are we able to check our results online on the 19th of december? Or wait for mail.?