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  1. B

    Photography club @ MQ

    :D UNSW Photography Club is pretty good. - Tutorial classes to teach users about Photoshop/Post-processing, camera techniques and beginners lessons. Also guides in using a darkroom. - Discounts on framing, prints and studio discounts. - Meets every 2 weeks. Some things that you might...
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    Harry Potter

    What Harry Potter statue?
  3. B

    Bored first yr at UNSW

    Yeah 1st year Commerce. Havent met much people and I have a 3 hour break on Friday. Economics is boring.
  4. B

    Web Ct

    They have Ilectures at UNSW? I thought they didnt :|
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    2006 Unsw Comsoc Camp

    How wrong you are my friend. ;)
  6. B

    Web Ct

    Okay so there are TWO WebCTS Non-vista and Vista. :|
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    Separate Division Forums?

    It would of been nice to have a subforum for every department and degree then every possible degree pathway/unit. :eek: And every student should get their own subforum...
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    Movie Marathons

    I hate Movie Marathons, theres always 1 movie that you dontwant to watch.
  9. B

    Separate Division Forums?

    Boooooooooooooooo ..... Meh.
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    2006 Unsw Comsoc Camp

    yeah . i really should read my posts before actually posting them. meh. sausage fest.
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    HAHAHA. The actor who plays Santiago, one of my mates told me that he is actually a 4th Division soccer player.
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    I prefer Horror over gore.
  13. B

    Seven Swords

    Just watched it. Choerography was well done unlike many modern martial art films. Quite creative in some scenes. Liked the idea of the sword concepts. Should be a sequel cause they never explained the 8th sword that the emporer found. "One sword to rule them all" :P
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    Battlefield 2

    My Stats :)
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    Yeah, from memory noone saved her but she just managed to escape somehow.
  16. B

    So what societies have you signed your soul away to?

    ComSoc FilmSoc MarketingSoc PsychSoc UNSW-Photography Theres a guitar society and chocolate one too?
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    2006 Unsw Comsoc Camp

    Substitute the word "MALE" where you read the words "commerce" and "economics" into the above quote.
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    'TONIGHT ON TEN' before neighbours

    I think its just a replacement for the Axle from AusIdol segment which they usually show previews of new movies.
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    What happened on todays episode. I wasn't really paying attention as to how they caught the lawyer and freed the agent. Looks like Lauren Holly isnt really the replacement for Cate but rather the special guests that appear seem to substitute for the Cate-DiNozzo bond.
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    The Biggest Loser

    Why did Bob have to go back overseas this week? I want Andro or whatever his name is to win. I never thought that the show will do so well considering its aired everyday but its actually good as daily motivation and you really do see the difference as the show progresses.